Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/551

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59 STAT.] 79TH OONG., 1ST SESS. -CHS. 367-369-- Ag. 111945 Sept. 18 20, 1945 SEC. 2 . The amendment made by this Act shall take effect on the first day of the first month which begins more than ten days after the date of the enactment of this Act. Approved August 11, 1945. ICHAPTER 368] AN ACT To provide for administration of the Surplus Property Act of 1944 by a Surplus Property Administrator. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That there is hereby established in the Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion a Surplus Property Administration which shall be headed by a Surplus Property Administrator. The Administrator shall be appointed by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and shall receive compensation at the rate of $12,000 per year. The term cf office of the Administrator shall be two years. SEC. 2 . (a) Effective at the time the Surplus Property Adminis- trator first appointed under this Act qualifies and takes office, the Surplus Property Board created by section 5 of the Surplus Property Act of 1944 is abolished, all of its functions are transferred to, and shall be exercised by, the Surplus Property Administrator, and all of its personnel (except the members thereof), records, and property (including office equipment) are transferred to, and shall become, respectively, the personnel, records, and property of the Surplus Property Administration. (b) So much of the unexpended balances of appropriations, allo- cations, or other funds available for the use of the Surplus Property Board in the exercise of any function transferred by this Act shall be transferred to the Surplus Property Administration for use in connection with the exercise of the functions so transferred. (c) All regulations, policies, determinations, authorizations, requirements, designations, and other actions of the Surplus Prop- erty Board, made prescribed, or performed before the transfer of functions provided by subsection ha) of this section shall, except to the extent rescinded, modified, superseded, or made inapplicable by the Surplus Property Administrator, have the same effect as if such transfer had not been made; but functions vested in the Surplus Property Board by any such regulation, policy, determination. authorization, requirement, designation, or other action shall, insofar as they are to be exercised after the transfer, be considered as vested in the Surplus Property Administrator. Approved September 18, 1945. [CHAPTER 369N ACT AN ACT To amend the Veterans Regulations to provide additional rates of compensation or pension and remedy inequalities as to specific service-incurred disabilities in excess of total disability. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,That subparagraphs (k) to (o) of paragraph II, part I, Veterans Regulation Numbered 1 (a) as amended, are hereby amended, and a new subparagraph (p) added to said paragraph II, to read as follows: "(k) If the disabled person, as the result of service-incurred dis- ability, has suffered the anatomical loss or loss of use of one foot, or one hand, or blindness of one eye, having only light perception, the rate of pension provided in part I, paragraph II, subparagraphs 533 September 18, 1945 [H. R . 3907] [Public Law 181] Surplus Property Administration. Establishment, etc. Ante, p. 484 . Abolishment of Board. 58 Stat. 768 . 50 U. . C., Supp. IV, § 1614. Transfer of funo- tions, etc. Transfer of funds. Regulations, prior actions, etc., of Board. Functions. September 20, 194 11. R . 3644] [Public Law 1821 Veterans Regula- tions, amendments. 38 U.S. C., note foll 724; Supp. IV, note foll. 735 . Bates for war-erv- iceWanmed disabittie