Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/557

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 393 -OCT. 6, 1945 year plus the period of any furlough granted at the beginning of such enlistment. No person who is serving under an enlistment con- tracted on or after June 1, 1945, shall be entitled, before the expira- tion of the period of such enlistment, to enlist for an enlistment period which will expire before the expiration of the enlistment period for which he is so serving. "SEC. 2 . The Secretary of War is authorized to promulgate such regulations as may be necessary to effectuate the purposes of this Act. "SEC. 3 . The Secretary of War shall report to the Congress quar- terly, the first such report to be made as of December 31, 1945, the number of enlisted men on active duty in the Regular Army who have been enlisted or reenlisted on or after June 1, 1945. The authority conferred by section 1 to accept original enlistments and reenlistments in the Regular Army shall terminate on June 30, 1947. "SEc. 4 . Any person who enlists or reenlists in the Regular Mili- tary Establishment on or after June 1, 1945, in the seventh grade, upon the completion of six months' active service, shall unless sooner promoted, be promoted to the sixth grade, providing he meets such qualifications as may be prescribed in regulations promulgated by the Secretary of War." (b) The amendment made by this section shall be effective as if it had been part of such Act of June 1, 1945, when such Act was originally enacted. SEC. 4. Whenever any enlisted man of the Regular Army shall have completed not less than twenty or more than twenty-nine years of active service, he may upon his own request be transferred to the Enlisted Reserve Corps (to remain a member thereof until his active service plus the period of his membership in such Corps equals thirty years) and at the same time be retired from the Regular Army. An enlisted man so transferred and retired shall receive, except with respect to periods of active duty he may be required to perform, until his death, annual pay equal to 211⁄2 per centum of the average annual enlisted pay (including longevity pay) he was receiving for the six months immediately preceding his retirement multiplied by a sum equal to the sum of the number of years of his active service performed not in excess of twenty-nine years. The number of years of service to be credited in computing the right to retirement and retirement pay authorized by this section, or any other provision of law providing for the retirement of an enlisted man of the Regular Army, shall include all active Federal military service performed in the Army of the United States, the Navy, the Marine Corps or the Coast Guard, or any component thereof, any fractional part of a year amounting to six months or more to be counted as a complete year. SEC. 5 . Notwithstanding any other provisions of law, persons enlisted or reenlisted in the Regular Military or Naval Establishment shall be enlisted or reenlisted in such grades or ratings as may be prescribed by the Secretary of War and the Secretary of the Navy, respectively: Provided, That any person enlisted or reenlisted prior to February 1, 1946, in the Regular Military or Naval Establishment within twenty days after discharge from such establishment shall be enlisted or reenlisted in a grade or rating at least as high as the highest grade or rating, permanent or temporary, held by him at the time of such discharge. SEC. 6. Every person discharged or released from the military or naval forces on or after June 1 1945, who enlists or reenlists in the Regular Military or Naval Establishment (irrespective of the service from which discharged or released), and who is granted a reenlist- ment furlough or leave, shall be paid in advance at his option, at 539 Enlistment while serving under unex- pired contract. Regulations. Quarterly reports to Congress. Termination of au- thority to accept en- listments. Promotions. Retirement of Regu- lar Army enlisted men. Grades or ratings. Furlough travel al. lowance.