Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/651

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 589-DEC. 28, 1945 For an additional allowance for stationery of $500 for each Senator and the President of the Senate, for the second session of the Seventy- ninth Congress, $48,500, to be immediately available and to remain available until June 30, 1946. For an additional amount for "Miscellaneous items", exclusive of labor, fiscal year 1945, $15,000. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES For payment to the widow of James W. Mott, late a Representa- tive from the State of Oregon, $10,000, to be disbursed by the Ser- geant at Arms of the House. CONTINGENT EXPENSE OF THE HOUSE Telegraph and telephone: For an additional amount for telegraph and telephone service, exclusive of personal services, fiscal year 1945, $5,000. Stationery: For an additional allowance for stationery of $500 for each Representative, Delegate, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico, for the second session of the Seventy-ninth Con- gress, $219,000, to be immediately available and to remain available until June 30, 1946. Attending physician's office: For compensation at the rate of $3,600 per annum of a technical assistant in the office of the attend- ing physician, to be appointed by the attending physician, subject to the approval of the Speaker, fiscal year 1946, $1,800. Whenever the usual day for paying salaries in or under the Senate or House of Representatives falls on Saturday, the respective dis- bursing officers are authorized to make such payments on the preced- ing workday. NATIONAL MEMORIAL STADIUM COMMISSION For carrying out the provisions of Public Law Numbered 523 of the Seventy-eighth Congress, entitled "Joint resolution to consider a site and design for a National Memorial Stadium to be erected in the District of Columbia", approved December 20, 1944, fiscal year 1945, $1,183.47, to remain available until June 30, 1946, and to be disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate on vouchers approved by the Chairman of the Commission. JOINT COMMITTEE ON PRINTING The provisions of section 6 of the Act entitled "An Act making appropriations for the legislative, executive; and judicial expenses of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1917". approved May 10, 1916, as amended (relating to dual compensation), shall not apply to services rendered by the assistant clerk and stenog- rapher of the Joint Committee on Printing from May 16 to August 3, 1944. ARCHIECT OF THE CAPITOL CAPITOL BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Capitol buildings: For an additional amount for the Capitol Building, including the same objects specified under this head in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1946, $19,000. 633 Ante, p. 244 . 58 Stat. 339. 58 Stat. 344. Ante, p. 249 . Ante, p. 249 Payment ofsalaries. 58 Stat. 844. 39 Stat. 120. 5U.S.C.S58,8. Ant, p. 21.