Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/659

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 1ST SESS.-CH. 589-DEC. 28, 1945 NATIONAL MEDIATION BOARD Arbitration, emergency, and emergency panel boards: For an addi- tional amount for "Arbitration, emergency and emergency panel boards, National Mediation Board 1946", including the objects under this head in the Labor-Federal Security Appropriation Act, 1946, $23,900. There is hereby transferred $3,000 from the appropriation "Arbi- tration and Emergency Boards, National Mediation Board, 1945", to the appropriation "Salaries and expenses, emergency panels, and so forth, National Mediation Board 1945". OFFICE OF WAR MOBILIZATION AND RECONVERSION Expenses of disposal agencies: In addition to funds already appro- priated and notwithstanding the provisions of section 30 (a) of the Surplus Property Act of 1944, hereafter all proceeds from any dis- position of surplus property remaining after dispositions made as provided in sections 30 (b), (c), and (d) of such Act shall be set aside in a special fund account in the Treasury and funds so set aside in such special fund account are hereby appropriated and shall be avail- able to the Surplus Property Administrator, not, however, to exceed $170,000,000 for the fiscal year 1946, for "Expenses of disposal agen- cies", Office of War Mobilization and Reconversion, for allocation or reimbursement as specified under this head in the National War Agen- cies Appropriation Act, 1946, including expenses necessary to enable Government agencies designated by the Surplus Property Adminis- tration to render special services to the Administration or to disposal agencies; purchase, maintenance, operation, and repair of passenger automobiles; maintenance and operation of aircraft in connection with disposal activities in the Territories and possessions: Provided,That, notwithstanding any provision to the contrary, the appropriation under this head in this Act and in the National War Agencies Appro- priation Act, 1946, shall be considered as available also for expenses incurred during the fiscal years 1945 and 1946 incident to the care, handling, transfer, and other disposition of property under the control of disposal agencies by whatever agency declared: Provided further, That the limitations under the appropriation "Surplus property pro- gram", Procurement Division, transferred to the Office of War Mobili- zation and Reconversion by the National War Agencies Appropriation Act, 1946, are hereby repealed: Provided further, That any unobli- gated balances in the special fund account created herein shall be covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts not later than six months after the close of each fiscal year: Providedfurther, That any owning or disposal agency is authorized to transfer surplus property in its possession, other than real estate, to the United States Soldiers' Home without reimbursement or transfer of funds. SECURITIES AND ExCHANGE COMMISSION Salaries and expenses: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1946, for "Salaries and expenses", $166,200. 641 Ante, p. 378 . Transfer of funds. 58 Stat. 568. Ante, p. 82 . Ante, p. 484 . 58 Stat. 781. 50 U. S.C., Supp. IV, app. 1639. Ante, p. 484. Repeal. Ante, p. 484 . Special fund ao. count. Surplus property. Ante, p. 12 SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION Salaries and expenses: For an additional amount, fiscal year 1946, A*e, p.12 for "Salaries and expenses, Smithsonian Institution", including the objects specified under this head in the Independent Offices Appro- priation Act, 1946, $47,000. 68347--46-PT . 1 -' 1