Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/673

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., IST SESS.-CHI. 589-DEC. 28, 1945 TITLE II--JUDGMENTS AND AUTHORIZED CLAIMS PROPERTY DAMAGE CLAIMS SEC. 201. (a) For the payment of claims for damages to or losses of privately owned property adjusted and determined by the follow- ing respective departments and independent offices, under the pro- visions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a method for the settlement of claims arising against the Government of the United States in the sum not exceeding $1,000 in any one case", approved December 28, 1922 (31 U. S . C. 215), as fully set forth in House Document Numbered 350, Seventy-ninth Congress, as follows: Executive Office of the President: Office for Emergency Management: War Production Board, $136.35; War Shipping Administration, $78.72; Office of Price Administration, $230.40; Office of Strategic Services, $21.50; Independent offices: National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, $97.84; Selective Service System, $106.98; Federal Security Agency, $234.68; Federal Works Agency, $203.65; National Housing Agency, $205.50; Department of Agriculture, $901.99; Department of Commerce, $189.20; Department of the Interior, $1,298.80; Department of Justice, $844.43; Navy Department, $60,962.23; Post Office Department, $3,520.89; In all, $69,033.16. (b) For the payment of claims for damages to or losses of pri- vately owned property adjusted and determined by the following respective departments and independent offices, under the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to provide a method for the settlement of claims arising against the Government of the United States in the sum not exceeding $1,000 in any one case", approved December 28, 1922 (31 U. S . C. 215), as fully set forth in Senate Document Numbered 108, Seventy-ninth Congress, as follows: Executive Office of the President: Office for Emergency Management: War Shipping Administration, $676.57; Federal Security Agency, $591.54; Federal Works Agency, $100.85; Department of Commerce, $609.65; Department of the Interior, $149; Navy Department, $33,612.21; Post Office Department, $598.25; Treasury Department, $1,843.08; In all, $38,181.15. JUDGMENTS, UNITED STATES COURTS SEC. 202. (a) For the payment of final judgments, including costs of suits, which have been rendered under the provisions of the Act of March 3, 1887, entitled "An Act to provide for the bringing of suits against the Government of the United States", as amended by section 297 of the Act of March 3, 1911 (28 U. S . C. 761) and which have been certified to the Seventy-ninth Congress in Senate Document 655 42 Stat. 1066 . 31 U. . O., Supp. IV, § 215 note. Post, p. 662. 42 Stat. 1066. 31 J. .S., Supp. IV, § 215 note. Post, p. 662. 24 Stat. 506 . 36 Stat. 11I6