Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/693

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59 STAT.] 79TH CONG., 1ST SESS. -CH. 658-JAN. 3, 1946 [CHAPTER 658] AN ACT To establish a Department of Medicine and Surgery in the Veterans' Adminis- tration. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the medical service in the Veterans' Administration, as at present constituted, is hereby abolished and in its stead there is authorized and established in the Veterans' Administration a Department of Medicine and Sur- gery under a Chief Medical Director. The functions of the Depart- ment of Medicine and Surgery shall be those necessary for a complete medical and hospital service to be prescribed by the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Administrator) pursuant to this Act, other statutory authority and regulations estab- lished pursuant to law, for the medical care and treatment of veterans. SEC. 2. The Department of Medicine and Surgery shall include the following: Office of the Chief Medical Director, Medical Service, Den- tal Service, Nursing Service, and Auxiliary Service. SEc. 3. (a) The Office of the Chief Medical Director shall consist of the Chief Medical Director, one Deputy Medical Director, not to exceed eight Assistant Medical Directors, and such other personnel and employees as may be authorized by this Act. (b) The Chief Medical Director shall be the Chief of the Depart- ment of Medicine and Surgery and shall be directly responsible to the Administrator for the operations of the Department. He shall be a qualified doctor of medicine, appointed by the Administrator. During the period of his service as such, the Chief Medical Director shall be paid a salary of $12,000 a year. (c) The Deputy Medical Director shall be the principal assistant of the Chief Medical Director. He shall be a qualified doctor of medicine, appointed by the Administrator. During the period of his service as such, the Deputy Medical Director shall be paid a salary of $11,500 a year. (d) There may be not to exceed eight Assistant Medical Directors, appointed by the Administrator, who shall be paid a salary of $11,000 a year each: Provided, That one shall be a qualified doctor of dental surgery who shall be directly responsible to the Chief Medical Director for the operations of the Dental Service. (e) The Director and Deputy Director of Nursing Service shall be qualified registered nurses, appointed by the Administrator and shall be responsible to the Chief Medical Director for the operation of the Nursing Service. During the period of her service as such, the Director of Nursing Service shall be paid a salary of $8,000 a year and the Deputy Director shall be paid a salary of $7,000 a year. (f) The Administrator may appoint a chief pharmacist, a chief dietitian, a chief physical therapist, and a chief occupational therapist. During the period of his service as such, each chief shall be paid a salary of $6,000 a year. (g) Any appointment herein above provided shall be for a period of four years subject to removal by the Administrator for cause. (h) Reappointments may be made for successive like periods. SEC. 4. There shall be appointed by the Administrator additional personnel as he may find necessary for the medical care of veterans, as follows: (a) Doctors, dentists, and nurses; (b) Managers, pharmacists, physical therapists, occupational ther- apists, dietitians; scientific personnel, such as pathologists, bacteri- ologists, chemists, biostatisticians, and other medical and dental technologists. 675 January 3, 1946 [H. R . 4717] [Public Law 293] Veterans' Adminis- tration. Department of Medicine and Sur- gery. Functions. Composition. Office of Chief Med- ical Director. Deputy Medical Director. Assistant Medical Directors. Director, etc., of Nursing Service. Chief pharmacist and other designated chiefs. Period of appoint- ment. Reappointment. Additional person- nel.