Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/696

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PUBLIC LAWS-CH. 658-JAN 3, 1946 an allowance equal to 25 percent of such pay: Provided, That in no event shall the pay plus the allowance authorized by this subscription exceed $11,000 per annum. Retirement. SEC. 9 . Persons appointed to the Department of Medicine and Sur- gery shall be subject to the provisions of and entitled to the benefits 41 Stat. 614 . under the Civil Service Retirement Act of May 22, 1920, as amended 5U..C., Supp. v, §691 t sel. (5 U. S . C. 691 and the following). Aid, pp. 577 621. DspPnIaryoars2ds. SEC. 10. (a) The Chief Medical Director, under such regulations as the Administrator shall prescribe, shall from time to time appoint boards to be known as disciplinary boards, each such board to consist of not less than three nor more than five employees, senior in grade, of the Department of Medicine and Surgery, to determine, upon notice and fair hearing, charges of inaptitude, inefficiency, or misconduct of A, p. 675. any person employed in a position provided in subsection (a) of sec- tion 4 of this Act. Oaths. (b) The Administrator shall appoint the chairman and secretary of the board, each of whom shall have authority to administer oaths. Investigators. (c) The Chief Medical Director may designate or appoint one or more investigators, to assist each disciplinary board in the collection Counsel. and presentation of evidence. Any person answering to charges before a disciplinary board may be represented by counsel of his own choosing. Recommendationof (d) A disciplinary board, when in its judgment charges are boardsustained, shall recommend to the Administrator suitable disciplinary action, within limitations prescribed by the Administrator, which shall include reprimand, suspension without pay, reduction in grade, and discharge from the Department of Medicine and Surgery of such person. The Administrator shall either approve the recommenda- tion of the board, approve such recommendation with modification or exception, approve such recommendation and suspend further action at the time, or disapprove such recommendation. He shall cause to be executed such action as he approves. The decision of the Administrator shall be final. Additional employ- SEC. 11. There shall be appointed by the Administrator under ees . civil-service laws, rules, and regulations, such additional employees, Ante. p. 07. other than those provided in section 3, subsection (a) of section 4, Po, P. 679. and those specified in section 14 of this Act as may be necessary to Present employees carry out the provisions of this Act: Provided, That employees of oMedical ervce tile Medical Service as at present constituted, other than those pro- vided in section 3, subsection (a) of section 4, and section 14 of this Act, shall receive original appointments to the Department of Medi- cine and Surgery in their present civil-service status upon certifi- cation of satisfactory service by the manager of the hospital, home, or center where such person is presently employed: And provided Hospitalattendants further, That the per annum salary range for hospital attendants shall be $1,572 minimum to $1,902 maximum. al medical ad- SEc. 12. The Administrator shall establish a special medical advisory group composed of members of the medical and allied scien- tific professions, nominated by the Chief Medical Director, whose duties shall be to advise the Administrator, through the Chief Medical Director, and the Chief Medical Director direct, relative to the care and treatment of disabled veterans, and other matters perti- nent to the Department of Medicine and Surgery. The special medical advisory group shall conduct regular calendar quarterly meetings. The number, terms of service, compensation, and allow- ances to members of such advisory group shall be in accord with existing law and regulations. pes athied SEC. 13. (a) The expenses, except membership fees, of employees A*te,p.V. described in section 3 and subsection (a) of section 4 of this Act [59 STAT.