Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/711

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INDEX Bozeman Trail Ditch Company, appro- priation for assessments --------- Bradenton, Fla., channel, examination and survey authorized ------------- Brainerd, Minn., time extended for bridg- ing Mississippi River at--------- Bransons Cove, Lower Machodoc River, Va., examination and survey author- ized ----------------------------- Brazos Island Harbor, Tex.,improvement authorized - _ _-- -- -... ... ... ... .. Bretton Woods Agreements Act: Depositories, Federal Reserve banks- _ Foreign governments in default, finan- cial transactions with -- __ _---_ Immunities and privileges, status------ Information, obtaining and furnishing of -------------- -- International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, acceptance of membership in ------ -_ _- --_ Governor, executive directors, and alternates, appointment, duties, etc ---

International Monetary Fund, accept- ance of membership in -_ - -- _ ___ _ Governor, executive directors, and alternates, appointment, duties, etc ------------------------- Jurisdiction and venue of actions brought against Fund or Bank --- National Advisory Council on Interna- tional Monetary and Financial Problems- Duties --------------------------- Establishment and composition---- Reports to the President and Congress Policy of U. S ., declaration of--------- Restriction on undertaking certain ac- tions without authorization----._- Stabilization loans by Bank---.-_ __ - Stabilization operations by the Fund-_ Subscriptions, payment of --------_ _- Issuance of special notes ---------_ Bridgeport Harbor, Conn., improvement authorized ---------------- __..__ Bridges: California, San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, payment for damages- -- Construction of, authorized across- Mahoning River, at Youngstown, Ohio -... --- --. . --- --- Mississippi River, at- Friar Point, Miss.-Helena, Ark___ Hastings, Minn -------- __--_- New Orleans, La ------------ Missouri River, at- McLean County to Mercer or Oliver County, N. Dak_ - - .- Poplar, Mont ---- _ ----- -....- Page 329 29 581 27 18 514 516 516 515 512 512 512 512 516 513 512 513 517 514 516 517 514 515 13 550 545 467 223 224 471 579 Bridges-Continued. Construction of-Continued. Pigeon River, below High Falls - - Saint Lawrence River at Ogdensburg, N. Y----- --- -- ------- Saint Louis River at Duluth, Minn _ Tug Fork of Big Sandy River, at or near Williamson, W . Va --- __- Wabash River, at Saint Francisville, Page 224 544 545 223 Ill----------------------- 580 Yellowstone River, near Fairview, Mont--------------------- _ 471 Lake Champlain Bridge Commission, amendatory agreement by States of New York and Vermont ----- __ 227 Rock Island Bridge, Rock Island, Ill. , appropriation for maintenance - - 397 Time extended for bridging- Columbia River in Clatsop County, Oreg ------------ _ ----. 472 Mississippi River, at Brainerd, Minn_ 581 Saint Croix River, at Hudson, Wis___ 468 Toll bridges, payments to States mak- ing bridges free ---------------- 507 Broad Creek, Va., improvement authorized 15 Broadwater Creek, Md., improvement authorized ----------- _______----_ 14 Bronx River, N. Y., e xamination and sur- vey authorized ------------------ 26 Browning, Mont., appropriation for sup- port of Indian museums ----------- 331 Browns Bay, Va., and channel to Mobjack Bay, examination and survey author- ized ---------------------------- 28 Bruceton, Pa., appropriation for Bureau of Mines, buildings and grounds--- 348 Bryson City, N. C., clerk of United States District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of.---- 198 Buckeye Irrigation Company, appropria- tion for payment to-------.------ 330 Budget, Bureau of the: Appropriation for ---------------- 106, 634 Budget programs, wholly owned Govern- ment corporations, type, content, etc -------------------------- 598 Recommendations to Congress by Director -------------------- 599 Field offices, etc., outside D. C., restric- tion -------------------------- 107 National-defense activities, appropri- ation for ------------- __ -- _- - 107 Printing and binding, appropriation for----------------------- _ 106, 634 Reports to Congress- Personnel requirements, etc., of Government departments and agencies ------------------ 305 Special projects, limitations on amounts for


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