Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/716

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INDEX Civil Service Commission-Continued. Page Veterans, medical examinations by pri- vate physicians, appropriations available ---------------------- 419 Veterans' Administration, reimburse- ment of ----------------------- 108 Civil Service Retirement Act: Amendments- Annuities, compounding of interest-- 577 Armed forces, retirement rights of members of ------- _---------- 577 Appropriation authorized --------- 578 Computation of length of service-. .- 621 Veterans' Administration, Medicine and Surgery, Department of, applica- bility to employees-----_ - -- -- -- - 678 Civil Service Retirement and Disability Fund: Appropriation for ------------------ 109 District of Columbia, crediting of funds- 273 Civilian Conservation Corps: Liquidation expenses, appropriation for------------------------- 374, 375 Medical services, etc., furnishing of, by Employees' Compensation Commis- sion ---------------- _--- ------ 377 Civilian Defense, Office of, liquidation of activities, appropriation for ------ 429 Claims. See also Damage Claims. American Mexican Claims Commis- sion, appropriation for----------- 428 Audited claims, appropriation for pay- ment of------------ 90, 94, 421, 433, 657 Bonneville Project, authority of Admin- istrator ------------------------ 547 Netherlands and United States, arbitra- tion of claim, appropriation for --- 428 Postal Service, losses by burglary, etc., investigation and adjustment----- 603 Time limitation------------------- 604 United States, claims against, prosecu- tion by Government employees, etc. - War Mobilization and Reconversion Act, Advisory Board----------- 235 Claims, Court of. See under United States Courts. Clarke, William H. Crichton, payment to estate of------------------------- 77 Classification Act of 1923, Amendments: Basic rates of compensation, increase in- 300 Charwomen --------------------- 300 Clerical-mechanical service --------- 300 Classes of positions within grades, estab- lishment of rates for------------- 29E Report to Congress---------------- 299 Rewards for superior accomplishment, authorization, limitations, etc----- 80C Rotn.N iA/ ! irvi sr~n, ~sm vln- l9M Classification Act of 1923, Amendments- Page Continued. Within-grade salary advancements, periodic---------------------- _ 299 Armed forces, employees leaving to join, etc---------------------- 299 War service, employees in---------- 299 Clatsop County, Oreg., time extended for bridging Columbia River in --------- 472 Clayton Act, applicability to regulation of insurance.----------------------- 34 Clear Creek, Tex., improvement author- ized---------------------------- 18 Clear Lake, Tex., improvement authorized_ 18 Clearwater Bay, Fla., channel,'examination and survey authorized ------------- 29 Clerks of Courts: Restriction on use of funds for maintain- ing offices at designated places --- 198 Salaries, appropriation for------------ 198 Cleveland, Ohio, Aircraft Engine Research Laboratory, appropriation for ----- 82, 120 Cleveland Harbor, Ohio, improvement authorized----------------------- 20 Clinton Harbor, Conn., improvement authorized------------------------ 13 Clinton River, Mich., examination and survey authorized --------- ------ 32 Coal: Anthracite investigations, appropria- tion for------------------------- 346 Mines, appropriation for inspections and investigations --------------- 345 Coast and Geodetic Survey: Air travel under orders, per diem rates of allowance-------------------- 134 Appropriation for------------------- 84, 191 Architects, etc., employment on inter- mittent basis------- ----------- 192 Boundary line, District of Columbia and Virginia, surveying and marking of_ 553 Appropriation authorized- --------- 553 Commissioned corps, civilian employ- ment while on terminal leave ------ 584 Death gratuity, appropriations avail- able-------------------------- 84 Dependents, person standing in loco parentis, definition---- ---------- 587 Government housing facilities, occu- pancy on rental basis without loss of rental allowances-------------- 316 Housing facilities, emergency, rental of, money allowances for quarters----- 222 Missing or captured personnel, pay, etc., appropriations available----- 84,192 Money allowances in lieu of transporta- tion, payment in advance; rate---- 134 PardiAm ratel of allowance----------- 134 XIX r~u o v~~ J~·w ruus~nru - , . vo Ova . -tw - - .