Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/726

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INDEX Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1945, Sec- ond-Continued. U. S. Commercial Company, funds available for ------------------ War Department, appropriation for -- - War Refugee Board, appropriation con- tinued available for completing liquidation of activities -------- __ White House Office, appropriation for-- Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946, First-_ Agriculture, Department of, appropria- tion for ------------- -_-___ ___ Alien Property Custodian, Office of, ap- propriation for -- ____----_______ American Battle Monuments Commis- sion, appropriation for --- __--___- Architect of the Capitol, appropriation for ----------------------- ..- _ Audited claims, appropriation for - -__. Budget, Bureau of, appropriation for_ _ _ Civil Service Commission, appropria- tionfor---____ _______

____ __ Columbia Institution for the Deaf, ap- propriation for _ _ -__ __________ Commerce, Department of, appropria- tion for_ ___ _- ___ ____ ___ _-_ ___ _ Defense Transportation, Office of, ap- propriation for ----- __ _-- -__ ____ District of Columbia, appropriation for_ Emergency Management, Office for, ap- propriation for .- -- -- -- - _____._ Employees' Compensation Commission, appropriation for ------- . - -- -_ _ Executive Mansion and grounds, appro- priation for -------------------. Export-Import Bank of Washington, ap- propriation for _ .--- - _- _-_- --__ Federal Communications Commission, appropriation for --------------- Federal Home Loan Bank Administra- tion, appropriation for-- --- -- -- Federal Housing Administration, appro- priation for -------------------- Federal Loan Agency, appropriation for_ Federal Power Commission, appropria- tion for __- _- _____-__---- -__- __. Federal Security Agency, appropriation for--_ ...--...-.-..--..------ _ Federal Works Agency, appropriation for----------- _--------------- Food and Drug Administration, appro- priation for ---------------- Foreign-service pay adjustment, appro- priation for -------

General Accounting Office, appropria- tionfor-______ _----- _----------- General provisions--. ---- --- ---- ---- - House of Representatives, appropriation for ------------------------. Howard University, appropriation for.. Page 418 429 414 413 632 644 634 635 633 657 634 635 636 645 635 642 634 635 634 635 635 640 640 635 636 636 638 636 639 639 657 633 368 Deficiency Appropriation Act, 1946, First- Page Continued. Independent offices, appropriation for 635 Interior, Department of the, appropria- tion for----------------------- _ 646 Interstate Commerce Commission, ap- propriation for ------------------ 639 Judgments and authorized claims, ap- propriation for --------------- 655,656 Judiciary, appropriation for ----------- 634 Justice, Department of, appropriation for--------------- ------------ 650 Labor, Department of, appropriation for ----------_ ------_ ------. - 650 Legislative Branch of the Government, appropriation for --------------- _ 632 Library of Congress, transfer of funds__ 634 National Housing Agency, appropria- tion for ----------------------. 639 National Labor Relations Board, ap- propriation for ----------------- 640 National Mediation Board, appropria- tion for ------------------------ 641 Navy Department, appropriation for_- 651 Overthrow of U. S . Government, restric- tion on employment of persons ad- vocating ------------- _ -- -- -- _ 657 Post Office Department, appropriation for -----------------------.--- 651 President, Executive Office of, appropri- ation for_ - - ------- ---------- - 634 Public Health Service, appropriation for-----------------------

636 Reconstruction Finance Corporation, appropriation for ---------------- 635 Securities and Exchange Commission, appropriation for---------------- 641 Senate, appropriation for------------- 632 Smithsonian Institution, appropriation for-------------------------- 641 Social Security Board, appropriation for 637 State, Department of, appropriation for---------------------------- 652 Treasury Department, appropriation for -------------

653 United Nations Relief and Rehabilita- tion Administration, appropriation for-------------------------- 634 Veterans' Administration, appropriation for-------------------------- 642 War Department, appropriation for--- 654 War Mobilization and Reconversion, Office of, appropriationfor-------- 641 Definitive Writings of George Washington, furnishing of sets to members of Congress ----------------------- 258 Delaware: Navigation and flood-control projeet authorised ..--- ---- ----- ---- --- 14 XXIX