Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/728

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UlJtrTit of Ciolumbia-;Jontulued. Page Columbia Hospital and Lying-In Asy- lum, appropriation for ---------- _ 283 Columbia Polytechnic Institute for the Blind, appropriation for -_--__ -- . 284 Communication systems, appropriation for operation and maintenance---- 286 Compensation and retirement fund ex- penses, appropriation for __ -. __ . 273 Congressional tags, limitation on valid- ity---------------.--------- -- 313 Coroner's office, appropriation for ----- 274 Corporation Counsel, Office of, appro- priation for ------------------- 83, 272 Courts- District Court of United States- Appropriation for--------------- 196 Kermit Roosevelt fund, jurisdiction 317 Jury commissioners, compensation___ 198 Juvenile court- Absconding probationers, advances to secure return of----------- 280 Appropriation for ------------- _ 280 Psychiatric service ---

. --

280 Mental Health, Commission on, ap- propriation for --- _ ----_ _ ---- - 281 Municipal court- Appropriation for--------------- 280 Jury trials, deposits for---------. 280 Municipal court of appeals, appro- priation for------------------- 281 Probation system, appropriation for_ 281 United States Court of Appeals- Appropriation for -. -- ________ 92, 196 Reports, sale price limitation ----- 200 United States courts- Division of expenditures --- ----- 196 Reimbursement to United States, appropriation for ---------- _ 281 Wills, Register of, appropriation for Office of -------------------- 281 Debt Service, District, appropriation for --------.- ---- .--- --.- ---- 273 Delinquent tax list, advertising of ----- 272 District Attorney, United States, divi- sion of expenditures for office of- - 187 District Buildings, Office of Superintend- ent of, appropriation for--------- 286 District Debt Service, appropriation for- 273 District Training School- Appropriation for --------------- 285, 643 Public patients, maintenance, pay- ment from estate or by designated relatives ----------------- --- 100 Roadway, use of property for------- 589 Division of expenses-----------8 83, 422, 644 Dogs- Rabies, prevention of spread of, vac- cination, etc---------------- - 410 Tax -------------------------- 4409 -s' !-. - - -m- A-. - increases, etc _--__--___-_-__- Examiners, boards of, designations _ - Electrical Division, appropriation for_ - - Emergency expenses, appropriation for_ Emergency Rent Act, extension -_____ Employees- Armed forces, members of, civilian employment while on terminal leave -------------------- . - - Pay increases; basic work week. See Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945. Policemen and firemen, pay increases_ Employees' compensation fund, appro- priation for------- _

Employees' retirement fund, appropri- ationfor__----_

Engineer Commissioner, appropriation for compensation------------ _ - Equipment, sale or exchange of ------- Erroneous collections, appropriation for_ Examiners, boards of, membership, etc_ Executive office, appropriation for --- Females, employment of, temporary permit to extend hours, extension of time--------------- Fire Department- Appropriation for - ------------ Pay increases -------------------- Applicability to pilots and marine engineers..------...-------. 497 498 286 272 592 584 470 273 273 272 293 272 498 272 95 280 470 662 Salaries------------------------- 318 Fiscal Service, appropriation for ---- 272, 421 Florence Crittenton Home, appropria- tion for----------------------- 284 Food-conservation program, appropria- tion for------------------------ 284 Freedmen's Hospital, appropriation for_ 283 Gallinger Municipal Hospital- Appropriation for----------- 83, 282, 643 Nonresident insane, appropriation for deportation of----- ------- 285 Superintendent- Detail of commissioned officer from Public Health Service to act as 412 Removal of restrictions respecting appointment of certain retired personnel as---------------- 411 Salary, etc-------------------- 411 INDEX XXXI District of Columbia-Continued. Page Eastern Dispensary and Casualty Hos- pital, appropriation for ----- _- -_ 283 Education, Board of- Appointment, classification, and as- signment of teachers, etc., au- thority regarding ---------- _ 492, 502 Designation of number of rooms in elementary school buildings - - - 498 Employees serving in armed forces, experience credit for, longevity