Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/747

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INDEX Greenwich Harbor, Conn., improvement authorized------------------------ Guadalupe River, Tex., improvement au- thorized; limitation ______ --_ _ _- -- Page 13 18 Guam: Damage claims, certain, settlement of_ 582 Land for resettlement, transfer author- ized-----_ ..- -

--- 584 Guayule. See Rubber project, emergency, under Agriculture, Department of. Guilford Harbor, Conn., improvement au- thorized ------------------------- 13 Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Fla., exami- nation and survey authorized ------- 29, 31 Gulfport, Miss., channel, examination and survey authorized----------------- 30 Guns, Small-Game, transfer tax on; manufacturers' and dealers' tax ---- 531 Guthrie, Okla., clerk of United States Dis- trict Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of ----------- 198 Gypsy and Brown-Tail Moth Control, appropriation for---------------- . 147 H Hackensack River, N. J ., examination, improvement, etc., authorized ----- 13, 26 Haida Indians, Alaska, extension of time for filing suit--------------------. 231 Hamburg Township, N. Y., harbor, exami- nation and survey authorized ------ 32 Hampton Creek, Va., improvement author- ized -----------------. - --- -- -- -. 15 Harbors. See Rivers and Harbors. Harlingen, Tex., improvement of Intra- coastal Waterway authorized ------- 18 Harry L. Englebright Dam, designation of- 556 Hartford, Conn., improvement of Connect- icut River authorized ------- _----. 13 Harvesting Loans, appropriation for ----- 163 Haskell Institute, Lawrence, Kans., ap- propriation for education of Indians - 332 Hastings, Minn., bridge authorized across Mississippi River at or near ----- _ - 223 Hatch Act (Agricultural Experiment Stations), appropriation to effect provisions of --------------------- 142 Hatch Act (Political Activities): Amendment, nonapplication of certain restrictions to certain part-time Government employees, extension of temporary provisions ------- __ _ 658 Appropriation for prevention of per- nicious activities ------- _--___-- _ 108 Havasupai Indian Reservation, Ariz., purchase of improvements, appropria- tion continued available ----------- 325 Havre de Grace, Md., channel, examina- tion and survey authorized--------- 26 Hawaii: Page Agricultural experiment stations, appro- priation for -------------------- 142 Agricultural extension work- Allotment of funds for------------- 232 Appropriation for --------_ - -- - - - - 141 Courts, appropriation for------------- 197 Government in, appropriation for----_ 358 Navigation and flood-control projects authorized - ------------------- 23 Oahu Railway and Land Company, con- veyance by Navy Department of easement in certain lands author- ized__ . . .. _____ 8 Pearl Harbor catastrophe of December 7, 1941, extension of statutes of limitation-_-----------------__- 233 Preliminary examinations and surveys of rivers, etc., authorized ----------- 33 Vocational education, appropriation for_ 367 Hawaiian Electric Company, Ltd., con- struction of pipe lines, etc., in Pearl Harbor-______-______-___-__-- 4 Health, National Institute of, appropria- tion for ----------- .- -- -- - -- -- _ 370, 637 Health and Sanitation Activities, Emer- gency: Investigations, appropriation for ----- Reduction in appropriation available infiscal year 1945----_-______--- Health Service. See Public Health Service. Heidinger, James V., appropriation for payment to widow of---_________- Helena, Ark., bridge authorized across Mississippi River at ---------- Helium: Plants, construction and equipment- Appropriation for --------- ___.__ . Reduction in appropriation for fiscal year 1945 ----- ... ....... .... Procurement- Navy Department, transfer of funds to Bureau of Mines------------ War Department- Appropriation for --------. _- -__ Transfer of funds to Bureau of Mines --------------- _____- Utilization and research, appropriation for ----------------- __

_ Hellens Creek, Md., examination and survey authorized ------- _________ Henderson, N. Y., harbor construction, examination and survey authorized__ Hendricks Harbor, Maine, improvement authorized ____________ Hennepin Canal, ll., appropriation for maintenance -__ _ __ __ _ __ High Springs, Fla., examination and survey authorized 369 408 78 467 348 408 350 393 350 350 27 32 12 40 29 L -~----------------------------------