Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/753

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INDEX Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page Alaska-Continued. Tongass National Forest, conveyance of certain lands to Catholic bishop of Alaska------------------- 535 Travel expenses of new appointees -- 359 Aliens, employment of, in emergencies - 359 Appropriation Act, 1946-------------- 318 Bonneville Power Administration, ap- propriation for---------------- 320 Transmission lines, restriction on use of funds-------------------- 320 Bonneville Project, appointment of personnel---------------------- 547 Bonneville Project Act, Amendments. See separate title. Books, etc., purchase and exchange of, funds available for-------------- 360 Butte Falls, Oreg., conveyance of U. S . Fish Hatchery to State, condition_- 578 Cheyenne, Wyo., conveyance of land to city in connection with water supply system----------------- 469 Communication services, funds available for -------------------------- 360 Contingent expenses, appropriation for_ 319 Damage claims, appropriation for- 93, 431, 655 Electric energy, disposition of ------- 22 Field appropriations, availability for hire of boats, work animals, vehicles, etc -------------------------- 359 Fine Arts, Commission of, appropriation for--- ---------.----------- 32( Fire-fighting, appropriation for -------- 322 Fire protection and timber management, appropriation for------------- 324, 64( Fish and Wildlife Service- Aircraft, appropriations available for hire, maintenance, etc---------- 35( Appropriation for -------------- 354, 649 Bulletins, publication, distribution, etc------- ---

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354 Fish protection, studies and surveys__ 22 Judgments, appropriation for ------- 432 Migratory Bird Conservation Fund, appropriation for------------- 35( Wildlife restoration, appropriation for Federal aid in----------------- 35( Fishery Board, Office of, appropriation for --..-----

-- --- 321 Fishery Coordination, Office of, reduc- tion in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945---------------- 401 Flood-control projects, investigations and reports--------------------- 11 General Land Office- Alaska real property ownership dec- laration law, authority of em- ployees with respect to--------- 537 Appropriation for--------- 322,424, 64 Interior, Department of the-Continued. Page General Land Office-Continued. Coos Bay Wagon Road grant lands, appropriation for------------- 323 Oklahoma, payment from royalties, south half of Red River- _- 85, 324, 646 Oregon and California Railroad grant lands, appropriation for-------- 323 Payments to States from proceeds of land sales, appropriation for---- 323 Range improvements outside of grazing districts, appropriation for--------------------- - 323 Geography, Division of, appropriation for -------------------------- 319 Geological Survey- Appropriation for----- ----- 86, 343, 648 Atoka Agreement, appraisal expenses, transfer of funds ------------- 335 Bauxite and alunite ores and alumi- num clay deposits, decrease in amount available for investiga- tions ----------------------- 409 Cooperative work, funds for-------- 345 Mining operations on Indian lands, transfer of funds for supervision of -- ----------------- -- -- 326 Scientific, etc., investigations for Government agencies, transfer of funds; report to Congress ----- 345 Gila Project, Ariz., conveyance of certain lands to University of Ari- zona------------------- _------ 262 Grazing Service, appropriation for. - - - 84, 322 Hawaii, government in, appropriation for --------.--. -----. ----- - - 358 Indian Affairs, Bureau of- Advances to Indian youth for educa- tional courses---- ------------ 326 Aircraft, appropriations available for hire, maintenance, etc --------- 338 Annuities and per capita payments, appropriation for --- _ ------ -- 338 Appropriation for ---------- .- -- -- _ 647 Atoka Agreement, fulfillment of, appropriation for expenses ------ 335 Education, appropriation for ------ 85, 331 Fish screens on irrigation projects, operation and maintenance---- _ 354 Fishing grounds, replacement, trans- fer of lands from Secretary of War ----------------------- 22 Five Civilized Tribes, Okla., valida- tion of certain conveyances---- 313 Forest fires- Rewards for information respecting setting of, etc ---------- 325,326 Suppression, etc., report to Con- gress -------------------- _ 326 General expenses, appropriation for- 85, 324 ~-- . ".-