Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/763

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Lake Seneca, N. Y., Naval Training Sta- tion, appropriation for ------------ Lake Superior, Waterway to Lake Mich- igan, examination and survey author- ized _--------------------------- Lake Texoma Recreational Area, TeL- Okla., appropriation for ---------- Lake Tohopekaliga, Fla., channel system to Leesburg, examination and survey authorized---------------------- Lake Worth Inlet, Fla., improvement authorized --------------------- Lanark, Fla., waterway, examination and survey authorized ---------------- Land Bank Commissioner Loans. See un- der Federal Farm Loan Act, Amend- ments. Land Banks, Federal. See Federal Land Banks. Land Office, General. See General Land Office under Interior, Department of the. Land Utilization and Retirement of Sub- marginal Land, appropriation for -- - Lander, Wyo., clerk of United States Dis- trict Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of ----


Landing Areas for Aircraft, appropriation for construction, improvement, and repair; limitation -------

Lands. See Public Lands. Langley Field, Va., appropriation for con- struction and equipment----------- Langley Memorial Aeronautical Labora- tory, appropriation for ----------- Lassen National Forest, Calif., appropria- tion for road maintenance ... ------. . Lassen Volcanic National Park, Calif., ap- propriation for maintenance of ap- proach roads -------------------- Latin America. See American Republics. Laurel, Md.: Industrial Home School, new buildings, appropriation for plans and speci- fications ----------------- National Training School for Girls- Acquisition of land as site for, appro- priation for---------------- Repairs, improvements, etc., reap- propriation for -- __.... -- __-. Lavaca-Navidad Rivers, Tex., channel improvement authorized__ -_..... _- Lavon Reservoir on East Fork of Trinity River, Tex., improvement authorized- Lead, subsidy allocation for. --- -- . . --... Lease-Lend. See Lend-Lease; Lend-Lease Act. Leases: Mineral lands, appropriation for en- forcement of laws -------------- Page Leases-Continued. Page 203 Oil and gas, extension of ------------- 587 Lee Mansion, appropriation for --------- 353 Leesburg, Fla., channel system, examina- 32 tion and survey authorized --------- 28 Leeville, La., Bayou La Fourche, examina- 353 tion and survey authorized---------- 30 Legislative Branch and Judiciary Appro- 2 priation Act, 1945, Amendment, in- crease in allowance for clerical assist- ance in office of Vice President------ 77 1Legislative Branch of the Government. 2 See also Congress. Appropriation Act, 1946 ------------- 238 Appropriation for----------- 46, 77, 238, 632 Appropriations, preparation of state- ments of ----------------------- 251 Architect of the Capitol. See separate title. Botanic Garden. See separatetitle. Capitol buildings and grounds, appro- priation for------------------- 251, 633 157 Roofs, etc., Capitol building, recon- struction and improvements --- 472 Capitol Police. See separatetitle. 198 Employees, rates of compensation. See Federal Employees Pay Act of 1945; also Telephone operators, 190 this title. Federal Expenditures, Nonessential, Joint Committee on Reduction of, 82 appropriation for -------------- 413 Government Printing Office. See sepa- 120 rate title. House of Representatives. See sepa- 352 rate title. Internal Revenue Taxation, Joint Com- mittee on, appropriation for ------- 77, 352 78, 243, 248 Judgments, appropriation for --------- 656 Legislative Counsel, Office of, appro- priation for--------------------- 251 Library of Congress. See separatetitle. 643 Overthrow of United States Govern- ment, restriction on employment of persons advocating ------------- 259 285 Overtime and other pay increases, ap- propriation for ----------------- 77,78 643 Pay rates and designation of positions not established under Legislative 18 Pay Act of 1929 -----------. - -- - 259 Printing, Joint Committee on- 18 Appropriation for---------- _ 77, 78, 250 261 Dual compensation restrictions, cer- tain, nonapplicability to desig- nated employees-------- ------ 633 Salaries, payment of when pay day falls on Saturday --------- _ ----- --- 633 344 Senate. See separate title. INDEX LXVI