Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/766

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INDEX Marine Corps-Continued. Page Aliens, naturalization, time limit for filing petition; restriction on ex- tension of certain benefits ------. -- 658 Appropriation for ------------- 88, 213, 426 Armed Forces Voluntary Recruitment Act of 1945--------------------- 538 Camp Joseph H. Pendleton, San Diego County, Calif., lease of certain land- 8 Camp Matthews, San Diego County, Calif., lease of certain land-------- 8 Damage claims, settlement of- Personal property losses, etc ------- 578 Philippine Islands, applicability of Act to---------------------- Dependents, person standing in loco parentis, definition ----------- Dependents of enlisted men- Family allowance--------------- Quarters, monetary allowance in lieu of; restriction -... ---. ... Embassies, etc., in foreign countries, enlisted men as custodians ---- Enlisted men, appointment to Naval Academy, service requirement-- - Furlough of officers ---------------- General, establishment of grade and rank--------------------------- Government employees, protection of civil-service retirement rights -- Government housing facilities, occu- pancy on rental basis without loss of rental allowances------------- Guam, settlement of certain damage claims in ---------------------- Housing facilities, emergency, rental of, money allowances for quarters not denied ----------------------- Inductees, funds available for expenses of-- ----------------------- -- Insurance. See National Service Life Insurance. Money allowances in lieu of transporta- tion, payment in advance; rate ---- Per diem rates of allowance--------- .. Personal property losses, reimburse- ment for --------------------- Postage, free- Repeal of provision respecting ----- Time extension------------------ Public Health Service, treatment of active-duty personnel in Marine hospitals and out-patient offices, funds available--------------- Rental allowances, occupancy of Govern- ment facilities under Military Es- tablishment ----------------- Reserve, pay restriction, officers and men drawing pension, etc -------- 511 587 541 541 173 208 9 36 577 316 582 222 220 134 134 578 658 542 37( 407 201 I LXIX --- v Marine Corps-Continued. Page Reserve Officers' Training Corps, Army, senior division, credit for active duty ------------------------ 235 Retirement, active-duty pay and al- lowances ---------------- _----- 220 Selective Service personnel, travel of; payment of expenses -_ --- -- ____ _ 485 Terminal leave, civilian employment on, pay and allowances from armed forces ------------------------- 584 Compensation for services --------- 585 Under-age personnel, discharge pay, al- lowances, etc------------------- 536 Appropriations available for-------- 537 Repeal of prior legislation ---------- 537 Veterans. See separate title. Water and refrigeration, funds avail- able for------------------------ 222 Marine Corps Reserve, pay restriction, officers and men drawing pension, etc- 205 Marine Schools, State, appropriation for maintenance----------------------481 Maritime Commission: Administrative expenses, funds avail- able ---------------

127 Appropriation and contract authoriza- tion, repeal of portion ----------- 226 Commissioners, salary rates ---------- 130 Judgments, appropriation for ------ 656 Penalty mail costs, appropriation for-- 127 Increase in limitation -------------- 420 Seamen, employers' payroll tax on, ex- emption from limitation in Internal Revenue Code------------------ 88 Refund of taxes paid on wages in ex- cess of $3,000, filing of claims, exemption from--------------- 88 Transfer of funds to certain Treasury Department appropriations------- 58, 60 Maritime Service, United States, person- nel ceilings, inapplicability in certain cases --------------------------- 305 Maritime Training Fund, appropriation for------------------------------ 481 Market News Service, appropriation for- 158 Marketing Quotas. See under Agricul- tural Adjustment Act of 1938. Marketing Service. See under Agricul- ture, Department of. Marshals, U. S.: Salaries and expenses, appropriation for---------------------- 183,425 Transportation allowances--

183 Martinez, Calif., harbor improvements, examination and survey authorized-- 32 Marumseo Creek, Md., examination and survey authorized ---------------- 26