Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/769

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Minnesota-Continued. Page Indians, support, etc., appropriation for_ 332 Navigation and flood-control projects authorized--------------------- 19 Pigeon River, bridge authorized across, below High Falls--------------- 224 Preliminary examinations and surveys of rivers, etc., authorized----__- -- 31, 32 Saint Croix River, time extended for bridging at Hudson, Wis --------- 468 Two Harbors (Agate Bay Harbor), navi- gation improvement authorized -- 556 Minnesota River, Minn., examination and survey authorized ---------------- 31 Mint, Bureau of the. See under Treasury Department. Mints, appropriation for salaries and expenses ___-------. ---------- - 65, 91 Misdemeanors. See Crimes and Misde- meanors. Mispillion River, Del., examination and survey authorized----------------- 26 Missing Persons: Appropriations available for pay- Coast and Geodetic Survey -------- 192 Navy Department----------------- 222 Mission Indians, Calif., appropriation for irrigation project - _--- --- --- _-- - 328, 331 Mississippi: Friar Point, bridge authorized across Mississippi River at------------- 467 Navigation and flood-control projects authorized ------ _-------------- 17, 18 Preliminary examinations and surveys of rivers, etc., authorized --------- 30 Mississippi River: Bridge authorized across, at- Brainerd, Minn., time extension----- 581 Friar Point, Miss.- Helena, Ark------ 467 Hastings, Minn------------------ 223 New Orleans, La ------------------ 224 Flood control- Appropriation for -_- - -- - -- - -- -- - 41, 654 Condemnation procedure ----------- 587 Improvement authorized ------------ 18, 19 Missouri: Jefferson National Expansion Memorial, restriction on use of certain funds for --------------------- ..-- - 353 Soil conservation agreements, approval by central State agency --------- 156 Missouri River: Bridge authorized across, at- McLean County-Mercer or Oliver County, N. Dak-------------- 471 Poplar, Mont -------------------- 579 Examination, improvement, etc., au- thorized ---------------------- _ 19, 31 Missouri River Basin, appropriation for- 343, 648 Mobile, Ala., Harbor and River, exami- Page nation, improvement, etc., authorized_ 17, 30 Mobilization Act. See War Mobilization and Reconversion Act of 1944. Mobjack Bay, Va., channel to Browns Bay, examination and survey authorized-_ 28 Mohawk River, N. Y., examination and survey authorized----------------- 26 Moisture Conservation Operations, ap- propriation for ------------------- 319 Monetary Fund, International. See under Bretton Woods Agreements Act. Montana: Blackfeet, Flathead, and Fort Peck Indians, land, acquisition of, appro- priation for--------------------- 325 Fairview, bridge authorized across Yel- lowstone River near ------------ 471 Fort Peck project, appropriation for_ 343, 648 Glacier National Park, appropriation for roads------------------------ 352 Hungry Horse project, appropriation for ------------------------ 341, 648 Indians- Irrigation projects, appropriation for_ 328, 329, 331 Support, etc. , appropriation for- _ - _ 325 Poplar, bridge authorized across Mis- souri River at------------------- 579 State Water Conservation Board, ap- propriation for payment to -------- 329 Sun River project, appropriation for_- - 341 Yellowstone National Park, appropria- tion for roads leading out of ----- 352 Montauk Point, N. Y., protection and improvement of beaches, examination and survey authorized ------- _----- 25 Monterey Bay, Calif., examination, im- provement, etc., authorized -------- 21 , 32 Monterey Harbor, Calif., improvement authorized ----------------------- 21 Montgomery Bell Park, Dickson County, Tenn., conveyance of railroad right- of-way, authorized ---------------- 622 Montgomery County, Tenn., conveyance to Captain William Edmiston Chap- ter, Daughters of the American Re- volution ------------------------- 462 Montrose, Colo., clerk of United States District Court, restriction on use of funds for maintaining office of------ 198 Monuments, National. See National Monuments. Monuments in War Areas, Artistic and Historic, American Commission for the Protection and Salvage of, appro- priation for --------------- _______ 108 Moriches Inlet, N. Y., examination and survey authorized -------------- __ 25 INDEX LXXII