Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/786

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INDEX Postal Service-Continued. Service, allowable -- __.---_--- --..-- Military duty -- ____--.__------__- Special-delivery messengers, grades and salaries ---------------------- Employment at other duties -- ___- Vehicles, provision of, under allow- ance basis------------------ _ Veterans, reemployment, considera- tion of services --- -- -- __---_ Substitute employees, classified -_ _ _ _ _ Minimum hours of duty-- _ _ _ - ___ Railway Mail Service ---------- 453, Rural Delivery Service, carriers, rate of pay--------------------- Special-delivery messengers - _- - - - -- Superintendents and assistant superin- tendents of classified stations, salary basis ------------ _-_----------- Supervisory employees, first-class post offices- Reassignments _------------------ Salaries --- . ___.--_- _--_--_- -- Supervisory needs, determination of, by Postmaster General __ -- _ --_ -- U. S. Stamped Envelope Agency- Clerks, grades and salaries ------- Supervisors, salaries ------------- . Village delivery service, grades and salaries------------------------- Substitutes, hourly rates ---------- Washington, D. C., post office, fixing of salaries of postmaster and super- visory employees ...- -- -- -- -- -. Watchmen, grades and salaries------- Substitutes, hourly rates-------- . Postal Union of the Americas and Spain, Fifth Congress, appropriation avail- able for expenses of delegates to---- Postmaster General. See under Post Office Department. Postwar Flood Control Projects, appro- priation available ---------------- Postwar Highways, appropriation for- -- Postwar Navigation and Flood-Control Program, adoption and authorization of---------- -

Postwar Relief, Etc., contracts or agree- ments under lend-lease authorization, restriction ---------------------- Potato Act, appropriation for refund of taxes collected under------------- Potomac River, examination and survey authorized ---------------------- Poultry: Diseases of, funds available for eradi- cation--- ___--........------- - -- Feeding and breeding, appropriation for investigations, etc------------ 66347--46-PT. I -49 Page 461 461 459 460 460 460 444 435 454 456 460 440 441 438 443 443 440 444 445 437 444 444 427 92 638 12 52 62 27 145 143 Power Commission, Federal. See Federal Page Power Commission. Powers of Appointment, time extension in connection with release of --------- 264 Prairie du Chien, Wis., Mississippi River, examination and survey authorized- _ 31 Predatory Animals, appropriation for con- trol of ------------------------ 355, 649 Prencinradio, Inc., audit and annual budg- etprogram _---_---------------- 598, 599 President of the United States: Appointments by- Admiral in Coast Guard -------- __ - 37 Army of the United States, general officers, wartime reduction of temporary grades------------- 168 Export-Import Bank of Washington, members of Board of Directors- 527 General in Marine Corps ----------- 36 International Bank for Reconstruc- tion and Development, governor, executive directors, and alter- nates --------------------- 512 International Monetary Fund, gover- nor, executive directors, and alternates------------------- 512 Judges. See under U. S . Courts. Justice, Department of- Antitrust Division, personnel at salaries of $7,500 or more---- 182 Special attorneys, etc., at salaries of $7,500 or more ---------- 183 Military Academy cadets- Congressional Medal of Honor, sons of persons awarded ----- 586 Sons of members of armed forces killed in action ------------- 586 Naval Academy midshipmen- Congressional Medal of Honor, sons of persons awarded------ 586 Sons of members of armed forces killed in action ------------- 586 Regular Army, additional officers --- 664 Smaller War Plants Corporation, board of five directors---------- 96 Surplus Property Administrator----- 533 United Nations, U. S. representatives in organs and agencies of --- 619, 620 Budget programs, wholly owned Gov- ernment corporations, submittal to- 598 Citizenship requirements, etc., for cer- tain employees, authority to sus- pend-------------------- 45, 220, 405 Emergency fund, appropriation con- tinued available----------------- 414 Executive Office- Appropriation for_ 79, 106, 380, 413, 473, 634 Reduction in appropriations avail- able in fiscal year 1945------ 407 Detail of Government employees to- 106 LXXXIX -- w -- - -- -