Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/798

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INDEX Senate-Continued. Page Appointments with consent of-Con. Smaller War Plants Corporation, board of five directors ---------- 96 Surplus Property Administrator----- 533 United Nations, U. S. representatives in organs and agencies of----- 619, 620 Appropriations, Committee on- Employment of assistants for obtain- ing factual data--------------- 243 Status of employees drawn from executive departments and agen- cies---------------------- 243 Chaplain, appropriation for ---------- 238 Clarke, William H. Crichton, payment to estate of------------------- Clerical assistance- Appropriation for---------------- Pay in case of death of Senator- - Committee employees-- Appropriation for -__ ---_-------- Salary schedules, rearrangement of; 77 241 241 239 limitations-------------------- 241 Contingent expenses, appropriation for_ 77, 242, 605, 633 Document Room, appropriation for --- 239 Folding room, appropriation for------- 242 Inquiries and investigations, appropria- tion for ----------------- 243, 412, 605 Johnson, Minnie McN., payment to, appropriation for---------------- 632 Majority, secretary for, salary---- . . . - 632 Maloney, Francis T., payment to widow of, appropriation for ------------ 77 Mileage, reappropriation for --------- 632 Moses, John, payment to widow of, appropriation for --------------- 77 Nomination, disapproval of, restriction on payment to person after ---- 133, 382 Pages, appropriation for----------- 242, 412 Peavey, Mary T., payment to, appro- priation for--------------------- 632 Post Office, appropriation for--------- 242 Postage stamps, air-mail and special- delivery, appropriation for-------- 243 Postmaster, appropriation for salary for 242 Amendment --------------------- 412 President pro tempore, appointment of Senators to committee on certain improvements to Senate wing of Capitol -------------------- 472 Reorganization Act of 1945, Congres- sional procedure under----------- 617 Reporting proceedings, appropriation for--------------------------- 242 Restaurants, appropriation for------ 243, 412 Salaries, payment when usual pay day falls on Saturday---------------- 63E Salaries and mileage, appropriation for- 23E Senate-Continued. Page Scrugham, James G., payment to widow of, appropriation for ------------ 412 Secretary, Office of- Additional expenditure authorized-- 632 Appropriation for-.--------------- 238 Clerical assistance, additional amount, appropriation for ___ --- -- _- -- 77 Disbursing office, readjustment of salaries---------------------- 77 Sergeant at Arms and Doorkeeper, Office of, appropriation for----- 242, 632 Telephone calls, long-distance, appro- priation for--_ .. --- ------ ----- - 244 Telephone wiring plans, special, installa- tion authorized----------------- 632 Treaty of Greene Ville Celebration Commission, appointment of Senate members of--------------------- 501 Vice President, Office of- Appropriation for----------------- 238 Clerical assistance, allowance in- creased --------------------- 77 Senate Office Buildings: Maintenance, etc., appropriation for_-- 252 Police details for duty on Capitol grounds ----------------------- 259 Subway transportation, appropriation for -------------------------- 252 Seneca Indians, N. Y.: Treaties with, appropriation for ful- filling ------------------------- 338 Tribal affairs, appropriation for admin- istration------------------------ 335 Sequoia National Park, Calif., appropria- tion for Generals Iighway, etc------ 352 Sequoyah Vocational School, Tahlequah, Okla., appropriation for education of Indians------------------------- 333 Servicemen, Housing for Distressed Fam- ilies of. See War housing under Housing. Servicemen's Dependents Allowance Act of 1942, Amendments, family allow- ance, and allowance in lieu of quarters for dependents-------------------- 541 Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944: Farm Tenant Act, loans under, appro- priation for--------------------- 161 Loans under, by Land Bank Commis- sioner, interest------------------ 269 Servicemen's Readjustment Act of 1944, Amendments: sI 631 631 CI v .... Adjusted compensation, deductions of benefits, etc., repeal of provision respecting ---------------------- Allied governments, extension of bene- fits to designated persons serving in armed forces of-- -------------