Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/800

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Slaughterers, extra compensation pay- Page ments to, relief from repayment in certain cases -------------------- 261 Small-Game Guns, transfer tax on; manu- facturers' and dealers' tax --------- 531 Smaller War Plants Corporation: Audit and annual budget program___ 598, 599 Continuance ----------------------- 95 Directors, board of, appointment------ 96 Continuance in office of present members--------------------- 96 Funds available for administrative expenses ---------------------- 479 Smith-Lever Act, Agricultural Extension Work: Appropriations authorized-------_ ___ _ 232 Appropriations for ---------------- 141, 422 Smithsonian Institution: National Gallery of Art, salaries and expenses, appropriation for------- 125 Salaries and expenses, appropriation for ----------------------- 125, 641 Smithtown, Long Island, N. Y ., examina- tion and survey authorized -------- _ 25 Snake River, Oreg., Wash., Idaho, im- provement authorized ------------- 21 Social Security Act. See also Social Secu- rity Board. Amendments- Bonneville Power Administrator, ap- plication of old-age and surviv- ors' insurance benefits to certain employees of------------------ 548 International organizations, exemp- tion --- . ..-

671 Refunds of taxes collected on serv- ices rendered before Jan. 1, 1946-------------------- .. 671 Census information, appropriation for supplying of ------------------- 188 Grants to States, appropriation for- Blind, aid to ------------------ 236, 372 Child-welfare services ------------- 364 Crippled children, services for------- 364 Dependent children, aid to ------ 236, 372 Maternal and child health services__ 364 Maternal and child welfare--------- 363 Maternity and infant care, emergency 236 Old-age assistance -------------- 236, 372 Unemployment compensation admin- istration ------------------ 373, 637 Old-age assistance, effect on, of wartime service as a nurse, etc ----------- 80 Social Security Board. See also Social Security Act. Employment Security, Bureau of, ap- propriation for------------------ 373 Grants to States, appropriation for ---- 236, 372, 373 Blind, aid to----------------- ---- 80 Social Security Board-Continued. Page Grants to States, appropriation for- Continued. Dependent children, aid to -------- 80 Old-age assistance ---------------- 80 Unemployment compensation admin- istration-------------------- 80 Kentucky unemployment compensation law, amount to be withheld ------ 550 Miscellaneous expenses, appropriation for ------------------------ _ 373, 637 Old-Age and Survivors' Insurance, Bureau of, appropriation for_ 80, 373, 637 Reduction ----------------------- 638 Overthrow of United States Government, restriction on employment of per- sons advocating ---------------- 382 Public Assistance, Bureau of, appro- priation for ------------------- 373 Salaries, appropriation for -------- 373, 637 Senate disapproval of nomination, re- striction on payment to person after -------------------------- 382 Transfer of funds authorized---------- 373 War Manpower Commission, transfer of funds from ------------------ 381 Withholding of moneys from State agencies, restriction ------------- 374 Social Security Taxes, nonapplication of automatic increase in 1946 rate- -. . 576 Soil and Moisture Conservation Opera- tions, appropriation for ---- .. - _- Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act: Acreage allotment status, producers of cotton, wheat, and peanuts, pro- tection of ------------------- Appropriation to effect provisions of.- Soil Conservation Service. See under Agriculture, Department of. Soils, appropriation for investigations of management methods, etc -------- Soldier Ledge Channel in Hussey Sound, Casco Bay, Maine, maintenance authorized------------------------ Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief, appro- priation for payment of claims----- Soldiers' Home, United States: Appropriation for -- -


Surplus property,, transfer to, authori- zation---

--... ... ... ... ... .

Solicitor General. See under Justice, Department of. Solid Fuels Administration for War: Appropriation for----------- . .. -- -- - Reduction in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945 ------------- South America. See American Republics. South Basin, San Francisco, Calf., exami- and survev authorizd ------ 319 9 164 145 12 129 42 641 321 408 {2 INDEX CIII . ..... .. - F..........