Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/808

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INDEX Trade Agreements-Continued. Page Information and advice to President by- Navy Department ----- --- ___--- _ 411 War Department ----------------- _ 411 Proclamations respecting, restriction on issuance of certain ______ ------- - 41] Trade Commission, Federal. See Federal Trade Commission. Trade-Mark Bureau, Inter-American, ap- propriation for contribution --------- 175 Training-Within-Industry Service: Appropriation for -------------------- 381 Liquidation expenses, appropriation for ------------------------- 381 Transportation. See Carriers. Transportation, Defense, Office of. See Defense Transportation, Office of. Transportation Act of 1940, Amendment, rates for Government traffic; effective date----------.-----------------_ 606 Transportation Corps, Army, appropriation 392 TransportationTaxes, international organ- izations, exemption- __ _- -- - -- -- - ___ 671 Treasurer of the United States, Office of. See under Treasury Department. Treasury, Secretary of the. See Treasury Department. Treasury Department: Accounts, Bureau of, appropriation for_ 58, 90, 428, 653 Adjusted Compensation Payment Act, 1936, appropriation for administra- tive expenses -------------------- 428 Appropriation Act, 1946-------------- 56 Audited claims, appropriation for - . _ - 90 Checks, U. S ., lost, etc. - Delegation of authority------------_ 594 Depositaries in foreign countries, checks drawn against ---------- _ 593 Issuance of checks in replacement -- _ 592 "Original check," definition -. ___-. 594 Undertakings of indemnity, excep- tions to requirement -------.-_ 592 Chief Clerk, Office of, appropriation for_ 57, 653 Commodity Credit Corporation- Annual appraisal of assets; report to PIresident -- .-- - - .. -- _ -- _ -- __ 51 Appropriation for restoration of capi- tal impairment _______________ 90 Comptroller of the Currency, Office of, appropriation for ________- -- -- -- _ 61 Corporations, Government. See Gov- ernment Corporations; Government Corporation Control Act. Customs, Bureau of, appropriation for_ 60, 653 Damage claims, appropriation for_ - 431, 655 Debt, public, increase of limitation - -- 47 Disbursement, Division of- Appropriation for _-----------_ _ 58. 653 Treasury Department-Continued. Page Disbursement, Division of-Continued. Transfer of funds from designated agencies ------- _ ---..-------- 58 District of Columbia- Black-out expenses, loan for, reduc- tion in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945- ------------ _ 409 White House Police and Secret Serv- ice forces, reimbursement for benefit payments to ------ __ _ 64, 428 Engraving and Printing, Bureau of- Appropriation for------------------ 63 Crediting of proceeds from work ___- _ 63 Protection of currency, etc., transfer of funds for; detail of Secret Serv- ice supervisors_______ _


64 Scientific investigations, transfer of funds to Bureau of Standards for-------------------------- 63 Travel expenses, limitation increased_ 91 Export-Import Bank of Washington, Secretary to serve on Advisory Board of ----------------------- 528 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation, subscriptions to capital stock, ap- propriation for--------------- ____ 90 Fiscal Service, appropriation for- -_ 58, 90 Foreign funds control, appropriation for -------- _- --- _-- -- --- --- --_ 56 Reduction in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945 ------------ 409 General Counsel, Office of, appropria- tion for-----____--------------_ 56 Gifts to United States- Conditional, acceptance limitation__ 658 Redemption, payment of tax.. ____ 48 Inspectors of buildings abroad, assign- ment of personnel as--_- __ _ _ _- - . 181 Internal Revenue, Bureau of, appropria- tion for --------------- 61, 91, 429, 653 Internal-revenue collections, reports to Congress on refunds in excess of$500-__--------------------- 62 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development- Payments made to U. S . by, disposi- tion of--- . .. ___-------------- 515 Subscription, payment authorized___ 514 International Monetary Fund- Payments made to U. S. by, disposi- tion of----------------------- 515 Subscription, payment authorized_ __ 514 Judgments, appropriation for- - 94, 432, 656 Mexican Claims. See Settlement of Mexican Claims Act Amendments of 1945. Mint, Bureau of the- Appropriation for -_ -- --- -- _- --- -_ 65, 91 CXI or -- r------------ -- -- -- --- - - I