Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 1.djvu/816

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INDEX War and National Defense-Continued. Page Territories, emergency fund, reduction in appropriation available in fiscal year 1945---------------------- 409 Tropical diseases, appropriation for con- trol of------------------------- 369 Venereal diseases, appropriation for control of------------------- 368 , 636 War Powers Act, 1942, Second, Amend- ments. See separate title. Workers- Education and training- Appropriation for liquidation of program ------------------- 367 Reduction in appropriation avail- able in fiscal year 1945 ------ 408 Time limit on use of funds for train- ing ------------------------- 383 Training within industry, appropria- tion for--------------------- 381 Liquidation of service, appropria- tion for expenses------------ 381 Zinc concentrates, reduction of, with methane gas, reduction in appropri- ation available in fiscal year 1945- 409 War Bonds. See Liberty Bond Act, Sec- ond; Treasury Department. War Contracts. See Contracts, War. War Contracts Price Adjustment Board, refunds under Renegotiation Act, cer- tification of amount to Treasury---- 90 War Crimes, United Nations Commission for Investigation of, appropriation for--------------------------- 89, 18C War Crops, producers of, protection of acreage allotment status ----------- 9 War Damage Corporation: Appropriation for------------------- 20C Audit and annual budget program -_ 598, 599 War Department. See also Army. Adjutant General's Department, appro- priation for ----------------- 385, 402 Advisory personnel, expenses of, limi- tation------------------------- 402 Aerial flights, increased pay for nonfly- ing officers, limitation------------ 38( Air Corps- Appropriation for----------------- 393 Commanding General, Army Air Forces, Office of, appropriation for ------------------------ Wing commanders, elimination of pro- visions for retirement of------- Aircraft engines, etc. , s urplus, authority to transfer to Civil Aeronautics Administration ----------------- Appropriation Acts- Civil ------------------------- Military ---------------------- 402 263 64( 3! 384 Var Department-Continued. Appropriations, availability and merger Page of ---------------------------- 406 Appropriations and contract authoriza- tions, condition of balances, report to Congress--------------------- 407 Arlington, Va., exchange of lands near Pentagon Building authorized----- 543 Armed Forces Voluntary Recruitment Act of 1945------------------- 538 Armored force, appropriation for----- 398 Army, damages incident to activities of, appropriations available for pay- ment------------------------- 45 Army War College, appropriation for- _ 385 Assignments, transfers, and allotments, restriction on reclamation of money paid under------------------- 386 Audited claims, appropriation for --_ _ 95, 657 Bonneville Project, appointment of personnel--------------------- 547 Butter substitutes, restriction on use-- 390 Camp Croft, S. C ., easement over, etc., grant to Duke Power Company authorized ------------------ 36 Canal Zone- Hours of employment and rates of pay of skilled, etc., personnel------ 44, 405 Maintenance, etc. , appropriation for_ 42 Panamanian citizens, employment, etc----------------------- 44,404 Chemical Warfare Service- Appropriation for----------------- 397 Chief of Chemical Warfare Service, Office of, appropriation for----- 402 Chief of Staff- Contingent fund, appropriation for-_ 384 Office of, salaries, appropriation for- 402 Citizens' Military Training, appropria- tion for ---------------------- 399 Citizenship requirements, employees-- 44, 404 Nonapplicability to personnel under Military Establishment-------- 386 Civil Appropriation Act, 1946--------- 39 Civil functions, appropriation for__ 39, 92, 654 Civilian employees, instruction and training, funds available for ------ 405 Claims for damage to or loss of personal property, settlement; restriction__- 225 Appropriation authorized and made available --------------------- 225 Appropriation for------------------ 389 Command and General Staff School, Fort Leavenworth, Kans. , ap- propriation for ---------------- 385 Conscientious objectors, limitation on use of funds for -------------- - 386 Construction, permanent, limitation on- 396 Contingencies, Army---------------- 384 CXIX