Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1021

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1704 Recommendationto Assembly. Disagreement re- specting interpreta- tion, etc., of Agree- ment. Duration of Agree- ment. Ante, p. 1516 . "Territory. " INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. may request the Council to examine the situation. The Council shall thereupon inquire into the matter, and shall call the States concerned into consultation. Should such consultation fail to resolve the diffi- culty, the Council may make appropriate findings and recommenda- tions to the contracting States concerned. If thereafter a contracting State concerned shall in the opinion of the Council unreasonably fail to take suitable corrective action, the Council may recommend to the Assembly of the above-mentioned Organization that such contracting State be suspended from its rights and privileges under this Agree- ment until such action has been taken. The Assembly by a two-thirds vote may so suspend such contracting State for such period of time as it may deem proper or until the Council shall find that corrective action has been taken by such State. Section 3 If any disagreement between two or more contracting States relat- ing to the interpretation or application of this Agreement cannot be settled by negotiation, the provisions of Chapter XVIII of the above- mentioned Convention shall be applicable in the same manner as pro- vided therein with reference to any disagreement relating to the interpretation or application of the above-mentioned Convention. ARTICLE V This Agreement shall remain in force as long as the above-mentioned Convention; provided, however, that any contracting State, a party to the present Agreement, may denounce it on one year's notice given by it to the Government of the United States of America, which shall at once inform all other contracting States of such notice and with- drawal. ARTICLE VI Pending the coming into force of the above-mentioned Convention, all references to it herein other than those contained in Article IV, Section 3, and Article VII shall be deemed to be references to the Interim Agreement on International Civil Aviation drawn up at Chi- cago on December 7, 1944; and references to the International Civil Aviation Organization, the Assembly, and the Council shall be deemed to be references to the Provisional International Civil Aviation Or- ganization, the Interim Assembly, and the Interim Council, respec- tively. ARTICLE VII For the purposes of this Agreement, "territory" shall be defined as in Article 2 of the above-mentioned Convention. AmTcILE VIII SIGNATURES AND ACCEPTANCES OF AGREEMENT The undersigned delegates to the International Civil Aviation Con- ference, convened in Chicago on November 1, 1944, have affixed their