Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/1216

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1902 DuBeau, Candide R., reimbursement for loss of personal property --------- _ Duke, Harper Theodore, Jr., payment to estate of __----------------__-__ Duke Hospital, payment to ----------- Duncan, Rolla, payment to..---------- Dutch Harbor, Alaska, reimbursement of certain Navy personnel and former Navy personnel for loss of personal property ----------------- _------- E Ecuador: Agreements respecting- Air services transit ------------- _ Air transport -------------------- Aviation, international civil --___- -- Health and sanitation program ---- Military service -------------- _ _-- Preparatory Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza- tion ________________________ Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting _----______-. Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice.-----.--------._____-- Conventions respecting- Aerial navigation, sanitary--------- Maritime navigation, sanitary------ Edmonds, Mrs. Bessie S., payment to - Edmondson, Ed, payment to administra- tor of estate of; condition ------_ __ Education, Cooperative: Agreements with- Guatemala-------------------- Panama ------------------ ..---- Education, International, Institute of, co- operation in fellowship program, United States-Peru

___-__- Educational, Scientific and Cultural Or- ganization, United Nations, Prepara- tory Commission for the, multilateral agreement respecting ----------- _ Edwards, Betty Ellen, reimbursement for travel expenses --------------- _ ___ Effinger, Hugo, payment to ----------- Egan, Hugh, payment to ------ . ..- - - - - Egypt: Agreements respecting- Air services transit ---- _ _- -- --- -_ _ - Aviation, international civil--_ ___ __ Preparatory Commission for the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organiza- tion..- - - - ................... INDEX rage 689 809 826 797 772 1693 1701 1516 1590 1598 1883 1411 1031 991 955 834 806 1271 1871 1594 1883 737 832 771 1693 1516 1883 Egypt-Uonunuea. Agreements respecting-Continued. Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting -_ __ __ __ __ __ _ Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice -------------------- _ Conventions respecting-- Aerial navigation, sanitary --- .. .. . Maritime navigation, sanitary -. ___ El Salvador: Agreements respecting- Air services transit - --.--------- Air transport --------------- _-___ Aviation, international civil -------- Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting ------------- Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice --------------------- _ Eldorado National Forest, Calif., enlarge- ment ------------ ___-_-_________ Electoral Votes, proceedings for count- ing ----- ________________________ Elison, Isabelo F., payment to---- ..... Emergency Period Defined in Section 124 of Internal Revenue Code, End of, proclamation -------- ____- ____ _- Employment Act of 1945, printing of addi- tional copies of House committee hearings....................... -- England. See Great Britain. Epstein, Mrs. Lillian, payment to estate of----------------- --... .-- - - - - Estigoy, Alejo, payment to.----........ Ethiopia: Agreements respecting- Air services transit -----------_ ___ Air transport --..-------- _----__ Aviation, international civil___ . . . . Preparatory Commission of the United Nations, interim arrange- ments respecting -_______.-- __ Charter of the United Nations and Statute of the International Court of Justice ------------------- ___ Ethridge, J. D., payment to ---------- European Central Inland Transport Or- ganization, multilateral agreement concerning -------- ____ ___ ___ ___ _- European Inland Transport, multilateral agreement respecting ---- _________ Evans, William Andrew, payment to --- Evans Funeral Home, payment to ______ Executive Agreements. See International Agreements Other Than Treaties. __ -1 - - I Page 1411 1031 991 955 1693 1701 1516 1411 1031 854 839 725 886 848 784 725 1693 1701 1516 1411 1031 699 1740 1359 769 826