Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/298

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59 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-SANITARY MARITIME NAVIGATION-JAN . 5,1945 963 light of their knowledge and ex- perience of the control of the yellow fever vector, render and maintain free from Stegomyia (Aedes aegypti) (a) ports and their surroundings in endemic areas, and (b) ports not situated in endemic areas but exposed to the risk of the introduction of the disease. They shall also use their best endeavors to secure that per- sonnel employed in the handling of ships in ports in endemic areas and in ports specially exposed to risk shall be inoculated against yellow fever. The Contracting Parties agree that all persons inoculated in com- pliance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph of this Arti- cle shall be furnished with and carry an inoculation certificate signed by the officer carrying out the inoculation. This certificate shall conform to the International Form of Certificate of Inoculation against yellow fever annexed here- to. Persons in possession of a valid anti-yellow fever inoculation cer- tificate shall not for the purpose of the control of yellow fever be subjected to quarantine restric- tions. In place of a valid anti-yellow fever inoculation certificate, a cer- tificate that the bearer has re- covered from an attack of yellow fever and that his blood contains immune bodies against yellow fever, as proved by a test carried out by an institute regularly carry- ing out biological tests for yellow fever and approved for this pur- pose by the government of the country concerned, will be ac- cepted. lumiere de leurs connaissances et de leur experience en matiere de lutte contre le vecteur de la fievre jaune, de rendre et maintenir libres de Stegomyia (Aedes aegypti) (a) les ports et leurs environs situes dans les zones d'end6micite; (b) les ports situes hors des zones d'endemicite mais dans lesquels la maladie risque d'etre introduite. Les Parties Contractantes devront s'efforcer egalement de faire vac- ciner contre la fievre jaune le personnel de manoeuvre et de manutention employe dans les ports des zones d'endemicite et dans les ports particulierement exposes au risque de contagion. Les Parties Contractantes con- viennent que toutes personnes vac- cinees en execution des disposi- tions du paragraphe precedent du present Article seront munies d'un certificat de vaccination signe par l'agent ayant effectue la vaccina- tion et devront en etre porteurs. Ce certificat doit etre conforme a la formule internationale de certificat de vaccination contre la fievre jaune annexee ci-apres. Les personnes en possession d'un certificat valable de vac- cination contre la fievre jaune ne seront pas soumises aux restric- tions de quarantaine instituees pour combattre la fievre jaune. A d6faut d'un certificat valable de vaccination contre la fievre jaune, on acceptera un certificat attestant que le porteur est remis d'un acces de fievre jaune et que son sang contient des anti-corps contre la fievre jaune, la preuve en ayant ete faite par l'emploi d'un test applique par un institut executant habituellement des tests biologiques de fievre jaune et agree A cet effet par le gouverne- ment du pays interess6. Inoculation certifi- cate.