Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/329

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59 STAT.] MULTILATERAL-SANITARY AERIAL NAVIGATION-JAN. 5, 1945 ARTICLE IV Article 9 shall be deleted and the following substituted: (1) All passengers traveling by aircraft on international flight shall, on or just before arrival at the point of final disembarkation, or, if required, at any aerodrome where the journey is broken, com- plete a Personal Declaration of Origin and Health. (2) The Commander of an air- craft on international flight shall, on or just before the arrival of the aircraft at the first' authorized aerodrome in the country of entry, complete an Aircraft Declaration of Health to be handed to the aero- drome authority on arrival, and may be required to produce certifi- cates concerning sanitary measures which such Declaration states were undergone by the aircraft before departure or at stopping places in application of the 1933 Convention as hereby amended. (3) Aircraft shall not be re- quired to carry Bills of Health. (4) The Contracting Parties will, so far as possible, adopt the International Forms of Aircraft Declaration of Health, Personal Declaration of Origin and Health, and Certificates of Inoculation or Vaccination against cholera, ty- phus, and smallpox, respectively, annexed hereto.*

  • With regard to yellow fever see

Article XI (6). 995 ARTICLE IV A P'Article 9 substituer ce qui 49Stat. 324. suit: (1) Les passagers faisant par tiersonal De tion of Origin aeronef un voyage international Health. devront, soit a l'arriv4e, soit imme- diatement avant l'arrivee au point terminal de leur voyage, ou, s'ils en sont requis, A tout aerodrome oi le voyage est interrompu, remplir une declaration person- nelle d'origine et de sant6. (2) Le Commandant d'un Airraft Declar of Health. aeronef effectuant un voyage in- ternational devra, A l'arriv6e ou immediatement avant l'arriv6e au premier aerodrome autorise du pays oh il penetre, remplir une declaration de sante d'aeronef qu'il remettra aux autorites de l'aerodrome des son arrive. UI peut etre requis de produire des certificats concernant les mesures sanitaires auxquelles, d'apres la declaration, a 6te soumis l'aeronef avant le depart ou A des points d'arret, en application de la Con- vention de 1933, telle qu'elle a ete modifiee par la presente Conven- tion. (3) Les aeronefs ne seront pas BillsoofHealt. tenus d'etre munis d'une patente de sante. (4) Les Parties Contractantes Adoption of hi national forms. adopteront, autant que possible, les modeles internationaux de declaration de sant6 d'aeronef, de declaration personnelle d'origine et de sant6 et chacun des certifi- cats de vaccination contre le cholera, le typhus et la variole annexes ci-aprs. * Post. . 101.

  • Pour ce qui est de la fivre jaune,

voir Article XI (6). clara- and ation nter.