Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/336

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TREATIES signed by the officer carrying out the inoculation. This certificate shall conform to the International Form of Certificate of Inoculation against yellow fever annexed here- to. (7) That persons in possession of a valid anti-yellow fever inocu- lation certificate shall not for the purpose of the control of yellow fever be subjected to quarantine restrictions. (8) That in place of a valid anti-yellow fever inoculation cer- tificate, a certificate that the bearer has recovered from an at- tack of yellow fever and that his blood contains immune bodies against yellow fever, as proved by a test carried out by an institute regularly carrying out biological tests for yellow fever and approved for this purpose by the govern- ment of the country concerned, will be accepted. (9) That any person not in possession of a valid anti-yellow fever inoculation certificate shall be considered to have been ex- posed to the risk of contracting yellow fever during the period of his stay in an endemic yellow fever area. (10) That UNRRA shall lay down standards with which yel- low fever vaccine shall conform. (11) That they will make ar- rangements to test at frequent intervals the activity of the yellow fever immunizing vaccine in use in order to ensure that its im- munizing properties are satisfac- tory, and for this purpose agree that UNRRA in consultation with the governments concerned and, as regards the Western Hemis- phere, with the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, shall designate par l'agent ayant effectue la vac- cination et devront en etre por- teurs. Ce certificat doit etre con- forme a le modele international de certificat de vaccination contre la fievre jaune annex6e ci-apres. (7) Les personnes en possession d'un certificat valable de vaccina- tion contre la fievre jaune ne se- ront pas soumises aux restrictions de quarantine instituees pour com- battre la fievre jaune. (8) A defaut d'un certificat va- lable de vaccination contre la fievre jaune, on acceptera un cer- tificat attestant que le porteur est remis d'un acces de fievre jaune et que son sang contient des anti- corps contre la fievre jaune, la preuve en ayant ete faite par l'emploi d'un test applique par un institut executant habituellement des tests biologiques de fievre jaune et agree a cet effet par Ie gouvernement du pays interesse. (9) Toute personne ne posse- dant pas un certificat valable de vaccination contre la fievre jaune sera consid6ree comme ayant ete expos6e au risque de contagion pendant la duree de son sejour dans une zone d'endemicite de la fievre jaune. (10) L'UNRRA 6tablira les standards auxquels le vaccin con- tre la fievre jaune devra repondre. (11) Les Parties Contractantes prendront des dispositions pour verifier A de frequents intervalles l'efficacite du vaccin d'immunisa- tion en usage contre la fievre jaune. A cette fin, 1'UNRRA designera de temps A autre, en consultation avec les gouverne- ments interess6s, et, en ce qui concerne l'hmnisphere occidental, avec le Bureau d'hygiene pan- americain, les instituts qui seront Standardsforyellow fever vaccine. [59 STAT.