Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/639

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FRANCE-MUTUAL AID-FEB . 28, 1945 to official agencies of the Provisional Government of France which will be designated or established at convenient locations for the purpose of facilitating the provision of reciprocal aid. 3. It is the understanding of the Provisional Government of France that all such aid, as well as other aid, including information, received under Article VI of the Preliminary Agreement of February 28, 1945, accepted by the President of the United States or his authorized representatives from the Provisional Government of France will be received as a benefit to the United States under the Act of March 11, 1941. Insofar as circumstances will permit, appropriate record of aid received under this arrangement will be kept by each Government. In order to facilitate the procurement of the supplies, materials, facilities, information and services described in Section 1 hereof by permitting their direct purchase rather than their procurement by the methods contemplated in Section 2 hereof during the period of military operation and until such time as the official agencies of the Provisional Government of France are able to provide such reciprocal aid in the manner contemplated in Section 2, the Provisional Govern- ment of France agrees to make available to designated officers of the United States Government such French currency or credits as may be needed for the purpose. The necessary arrangements will be made by the appropriate authorities of the Government of the United States and the Provisional Government of France. If the Government of the United States concurs in the foregoing, we would suggest that the present note and your reply to that effect be regarded as placing on record the understanding of our two Gov- ernments in this matter and that for clarity and convenience of admin- istration this understanding be considered to be effective as from June 6, 1944. Accept, Sir, the renewed assurances of our highest consideration. JEAN MONNrT. H BONNET The Honorable JosEPH C. GREW, Acting Secretary of State, U. S . Department of State, Washington, D. C. The Acting Secretary of State to the French Ambassador DEPARTMENT OF STATE WASHINGTON February28, 1945 Ante, p. 1306 . 55 Stat. 31. 22 U.. C., Supp. IV, §§411-419. Ante, p. 52. Ante, p. 1314 . Ante, p. 1314 . EXCELLENCY: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of the note of today's AiU p. 131 3 - date signed by Your Excellency and M. Monnet concerning the prin- ciples and procedures applicable to the provision of aid by the Provi- sional Government of the French Republic to the armed forces of the United States of America. In reply I wish to inform you that the Government of the United 1315 59 STAT.]