Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/789

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59 STAT.] GUATEMALA-AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION-MAR. 10, 1945 1471 Agreement between the United States of America and Guatemala amend- ing the agreement of July 15, 1944, respecting an agriculturalexperi- ment station. Signed at Guatemala March 10, 1945; effective March 10, 1945. March 10, 1945 [E. A. S. 4641 The Honorable Boaz Long, Am- bassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Guate- mala, as one party, and the Honor- able Pedro Cofiflo, Secretary of Agriculture and Mining of the Republic of Guatemala, as the other party, both duly empowered and instructed by their respective Governments, have agreed to sub- scribe the following El Excelentisimo sefior Pedro Cofifio, Secretario de Estado en el Despacho de Agricultura y Mine- ria de la Repdblica de Guate- mala, por una parte, y por la otra el Excelentfsimo sefior Boaz Long, Embajador de los Estados Unidos de America en la Repfiblica de Guatemala, debidamente facul- tados e instruidos por sus respec- tivos Gobiernos, han convenido en suscribir el siguiente SUPPLEMENTARY MEMORANDUM MEMORANDUM SUPLEMENTARIO OF UNDERSTANDING DE ACUERDO 1. The present Supplementary Memorandum of Understanding supplements and amends the Memorandum of Understanding signed at Guatemala on July 15, 1944 by the Honorable Carlos Salazar, Minister of Foreign Af- fairs of the Republic of Guatemala, and the Honorable Boaz Long, Ambassador of the United States of America, providing for coopera- tion between the two Govern- ments in the establishment and operation of an agricultural ex- periment station in Guatemala. 2. The Government of the United States of America and the Government of the Republic of Guatemala desire to expand the economies and increase the se- curity of the hemisphere through the cooperative conduct in Gua- temala of agricultural investiga- 1. El presente Memorandum Suplementario de Acuerdo, com- pleta y reforma el Memorandum de Acuerdo firmado en Guatemala el 15 de julio de 1944, entre el Excelentisimo Carlos Salazar, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la Republica de Guatemala, y el Excelentisimo Boaz Long, Em- bajador de los Estados Unidos de America, estableciendo la coope- raci6n de los dos Gobiernos en la creaci6n y funcionamiento de una estaci6n experimental agricola en Guatemala. 2. El Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de America y el Gobierno de la Republica de Guatemala desean desarrollar la economia y acrecentar la seguridad del hemis- ferio, levando a cabo coopera- tivamente investigaciones, demos- traci6n y expansi6n agricolas, en 58 Stat. 142 .