Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/827

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. to the transportation of such household effects, baggage, and automobile from the Republic of Chile to the port of entry in the United States of America. Trans- portation of such household ef- fects, baggage, and automobile shall be effected in one shipment, and all subsequent shipments shall be at the expense of the respective members of the Mission except as otherwise provided in this Agree- ment, or when such shipments are necessitated by circumstances be- yond their control. Payment of expenses for the transportation of families, household effects, and automobiles, in the case of per- sonnel who may join the Mission for temporary duty at the request of the Ministry of National De- fense of the Republic of Chile, shall not be required under this Agreement, but shall be deter- mined by negotiations between the Navy Department of the United States of America and the author- ized representative of the Ministry of National Defense of the Re- public of Chile in Washington at such time as the detail of per- sonnel for such temporary duty may be agreed upon. In case any member of the Mission is recalled, as indicated in Article 2, before two years of serv- ice have been completed, the above-mentioned costs of travel for the member and his family, and the transportation costs for his household effects, baggage, and automobile, shall be borne by the Government of the United States of America for the return voyage. ABTICLE 17. The Government of the Republic of Chile shall grant, upon request of the Chief of the Mission, exemption from customs efectos domesticos, equipaje, y autom6vil desde la Repdblica de Chile hasta el puerto de entrada de los Estados Unidos de America. El transporte de dichos efectos domesticos, equipaje, y autom6vil se har& en un solo embarque, y todos los embarques subsiguientes correran por cuenta de los res- pectivos miembros de la Misi6n, salvo lo que se dispone en con- trario en este Acuerdo o cuando circunstancias ajenas a su volun- tad hagan necesarios dichos em- barques. Las disposiciones de este Acuerdo no incluyen el pago de los gastos de transporte de las familias, efectos domesticos, y autom6viles del personal que pueda unirse a la Misi6n para servicio temporal a solicitud del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional de la Repd- blica de Chile; dicho pago se de- terminara mediante negociaciones entre la Secretaria de Marina de los Estados Unidos de America y el representante autorizado del Ministerio de Defensa Nacional de la Republica de Chile en Washington, cuando se convenga en el nombramiento del personal para dicho servicio temporal. En caso de que se retire a un miembro de la Misi6n, segdn se indica en el Articulo 2, antes de terminar dos afios de servicio, los antedichos gastos de viaje del miembro de la Misi6n y de su familia, y el costo del transporte de sus efectos domesticos, equi- paje, y autom6vil para el viaje de regreso, correran por cuenta del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos de Ameica. ARTfcuLo 17. A solicitud del Jefe de la Misi6n, el Gobiero de la Repiblica de Chile eximira del pago de derechos de aduana los Ante, p. 1505. Exemption from customs duties. 1510