Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/829

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INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. Return transporta- tion for family. Compensation due deceased member. Services of person- nel of other foreign governments, restric- tion. death. Return transportation to the port of embarkation for the family of the deceased member and for their household effects, baggage, and automobile shall be provided as prescribed in Article 16. All compensation due the de- ceased member, including salary for fifteen (15) days subsequent to his death, and reimbursement for expenses and transportation due the deceased member for travel performed on official business of the Republic of Chile, shall be paid to the widow of the deceased mem- ber or to any other person who may have been designated in writ- ing by the deceased while serving under the terms of this Agreement; but such widow or other person shall not be compensated for ac- crued leave due and not taken by the deceased. All compensations due the widow, or other person designated by the deceased, under the provisions of this Article, shall be paid within fifteen (15) days of the decease of the said member. TITLE V Requisites and Conditions ARTICLE 22. It is stipulated and agreed that so long as the Mission is in the discharge of its duties in conformity with this Agreement, or any extension thereof, the Government of the Republic of Chile shall not engage the services of another Mission or naval personnel of any other govern- ment for the duties and purposes provided for in this Agreement, except by mutual agreement be- tween the Government of the dias despu6s de su muerte. Se pro- porcionara transporte de regreso al puerto de embarque para la familia del miembro fallecido y para sus efectos dom6sticos, equipaje, y autom6vil, de acuerdo con las dis- posiciones del Articulo 16. Toda remuneraci6n que se adeude al miembro fallecido, incluso su sala- rio por los quince (15) dias siguien- tes a su muerte, y todo reembol- so que se le adeude por gastos y transporte en viajes realizados en asuntos oficiales de la Republica de Chile, se pagar&n a la viuda del miembro fallecido o a cualquiera otra persona que este haya desig- nado por escrito mientras prestaba servicio de conformidad con los t6rminos de este Acuerdo; pero no se compensara a la viuda ni a la otra persona por licencias acumu- ladas a que tuviere derecho el finado y que no hubiere usado. Toda re- muneraci6n que de conformidad con las disposiciones de este Arti- culoseadeudealaviudaoala otra persona designada por el finado, se pagara dentro de los quince (15) dias siguientes a la muerte del miembro de la Misi6n. TfTULO V Requisitos y Condiciones ARTfcuLo 22. Se estipula y con- viene que mientras la Misi6n desempefie sus funciones de con- formidad con este Acuerdo, o por pr6rroga del mismo, el Gobierno de la Repfblica de Chile no contratara los servicios de otra Misi6n o personal naval de otro gobierno extranjero para las funciones y los fines a que se con- trae este Acuerdo salvo que se convenga lo contrario entre el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos 1512