Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 59 Part 2.djvu/835

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1518 INTERNATIONAL AGREEMENTS OTHER THAN TREATIES [59 STAT. ARTICLE III THE INTERIM COUNCIL Section 1 Composition The Council shall be composed of not more than 21 of Council member States elected by the Assembly for a period of two years. In electing the members of the Council, the Assembly shall give adequate representation (1) to those member States of chief importance in air transport, (2) to those member States not otherwise included which make the largest contribution to the provision of facilities for international civil air navigation, and (3) to those member States not otherwise included whose election will insure that all major geographical areas of the world are Pilling represented. Any vacancy on the Council shall be filled Council by the Assembly at its next meeting. Any member State of the Council so elected shall hold office for the remainder of its predecessor's term of office. Section £ No representative of a member State on the Council shall be actively associated with the operation of an in- ternational air service or financially interested in such a service. Section 3 Officers The Council shall elect, and determine the emoluments of, a President, for a term not to exceed the interim period. The President shall have no vote. The Council shall also elect from among its members one or more Vice Presidents, who shall retain their right to vote when serving as Acting President. The President need not be selected from the members of the Council but if a member is elected, his seat shall be deemed vacant and it shall be Duties of the filled by the State which he represented. The President shall convene, and preside at, the meetings of the Council; he shall act as the Council's representative; and he shall carry out such functions on behalf of the Council as may be assigned to him. Decisions Decisions by the Council will be deemed valid only when approved by a majority of all the members of the Council. Section 4 Paticipateion Any member State not a member of the Council may before Council participate in the deliberations of the Council whenever any decision is to be taken which especially concerns such member State. Such member State, however, shall not have the right to vote; provided that, in any case in which there is a dispute between one or more member States