Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1069

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INDEX. 069 Mtltldfy S8TDt6P8. }{{l{lqry Sq-pig;;, The benefits of the act of May I5, 1828, eh. the heirs, &,c., of John Pcter Wagnon a 53, extended to Stephen Olney, - 433 lieutenant in the revolutionary army, 549 Jacob Wilderman to be paid for his services , J. Gibbon allowed five years' haliipay, with as u mounted rn nger, - - - 435 V interest, as a captain during the rcvolution- The provisions of the act of May 15, 1828,l ary war, -·-·-- 551 clmp. 53, extended to Abraham Br0wns0n,i William Price allowed five years' halflpay, 435 with interest, as a lieutenant during the Martha Yeomans to be paid for the military · revolutionary war, .-·- 552 services of John Yeomans, - · 444 P. Slaughter allowed interest on his commu- The provisions of the act of May I5, 1828, tation of halipay, ---- 552 chap. 53, extended to David Brooks, 445 Payment to be made to John G. Reynolds, for Willinm Price l-0 l>€ lll10W8d HVG y0¤1‘S' pay services as lieutenant in the murine corps, as lieutenant during the revolutionary war, 585 445 Seven years' lialflpay as a brigadiengcncrnl Ephraim Whitakcr and John J. Jacobs to during the revolutionary war, to be paid to have extended to them the benefits of the the representatives of Francis Nash, 586 act of May 15, 1828, - - - 446 Five years' halflpay as captain during the The proviso in the act for the relief of Philip revolutionary war, allowed to Ephraim Slaughter, repealed, - - - 446 · Wlnitaker, -...- 587 John Roberts, late major of infantry in the Certificate issued to Lord Sterling, to be paid war of the revolution, allowed five years' V to William A. Duer und others, trustees of pay C major, ----- 490 the estate of Sarah Alexander, - 587 R. Hillary’s legal representatives allowed live Five years' hulfipay as a. captain during the ycars’ full pay for services in the rcvolu- ’ revolutionary war, allowed to Thomas Mitionary war, --·-- 490 nor, ------ 587 The heirs, &c., of William Carter, late of Seven years' pay as alicutenant in the army Virginia, allowed five years' pay for his of the revolution, allowed to the represent. services as a surgeon in the revolution, ative of John M. Gregory, - - 588 490 Five years' halfipay as a lieutenant during Five years' halflpay as colonel, allowed fuk" the revolutionary war, allowed to the reprethe services of John Walker Baylor in the seutatives of John Taylor, . - 588 revolution, to be paid to Ann D. Baylor, Five years' full pay as a comet allowed to 491 William Teas’ representatives, for services Five years’ lialipay as lieutenant during t.he , in the revolutionary war, · - 589 revolution,allowedto Edmund Brooke, 491 Five years' full pay as captain during the re- The heirs, dce., of Dr. Samuel J. Axson to be volutionary war, allowed to the representapaid five years' lialtlpay for his services tives of George Hurlbut, - - 589 during the revolution as surgeon, - 494 Five years’ full pay as ma`or during the re. John Knight allowed five years‘ haltlpay as volutionary war, allowcti to the representasurgeon's mate during the revolution, 495 · tives of Joseph Torrey, . - - 590 Additional pay granted to E.Wl1ituker, 501* Seven years’ haltZpay allowed to Margaret Allowance to David Brooks, how to be com- Riker, the widow of Abraham Riker, a putcd, .- 5034 captain in the revolutionary war, · 500 John H. Wendell, u captain in the revolution- F Seven years’ halflpay allowed certain officers ary war, allowed the benefit of the act of and the widows of oH‘icers, for services May 15, 1828, chap. 53, - . . 504 1 during the revolutionary war, - · 590 John J. Jacob to be paid the commutation of * A tract of land in the state of Louisiana, his halllpay as a lieutenant, with interest, granted to General Philemon Thomas, in 516 consideration of military services, 592 Thomas Davenport to be allowed five ycars‘ Five years' full pay as a captain, allowed to full pay, with interest, for revolutiongg _ the representatives of William Regté; services, ---- - - I _ _ Harvey Brown to be paid for services a as-The claims of James Noble, as lieutenant in sistunt, . . 525 the navy, to be audited and settled, 595 John Thomas and Peter Foster allowed five Five yeurs’ fhll pay allowed to the representyears' pay and interest, as revolutionary atives of Thomas Wallace, a lieutenant in officers, ---.-. 540 the Virginia line, --·- 597 Richard Henly Court’s services as surgeon’s Five years' pay as a lieutenant, allowed to mate during the revolution to be paid, 542 Robert Wilmott, for services in the revolu. The military services of Dr. Isaac Ledyard, tionary war, - - -. - - 601 deceased, to be paid with interest, . 542 The account of Enos Granms to be settled, Sixty dollars per month and interest to he and his allowance of five years' full pay as allowed to the heirs of Col. John Ely, of the a. lieutenant in the revolutionary war, 601 Connecticut line, -·-- 543 The representatives of Baller Claiborne he Adam Caplinger to be paid for his services as allowed pay for his services as captam.1n artificer in a. militia. tour of duty, - 544 the revolutionary war, - - - 602 Thomas Triplctt allowed five years’ psy, with The representatives of·Evera.rd Meade to interest, as a captain in the revolution, allowed pay for ms services as captain . 544 during the revolutionary war, - 602 Five’ full pay, with interest, allowed to r Seven years’ haltlpey as a lieutenant, allowed l 22