Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/1081

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INDEX. 981 Private Land Claims. Private Land Claim:. Nathaniel A. Ware authorized to locate 2000 Coleman Fisher may withdraw a land certifiaerea of land in Mississippi, . - 508 cate, and locate other land, - - 561 The representatives of Peter, Catharine, and Luther L. Smith may enter and purchase a Charles Surget authorized to locate 640 tract of land in Louisiana, - . 561 acres of land in Mississippi. Charles Surget Assignee, Ste. of Asa Hartficld may surrender authorized to locate 500 arpens of land, 509 a land patent, and locate other land south Land patent to issue to Jacob C. Jordan, 509 of the Arkansas river, - - - 562 A tract of land in Louisiana confirmed to, George K. Jackson may relinquish a tract Maria Holliday, ---- 509 of land in Indiana, and payments trans- The claims of Bernard Leonard, Jacob Black, I ferred to another entry, - - 563 and N. Hickman to land confirmed, 512 A patent for 640 acres of land in Louisiana The title of the United States in land in Ala, to be issued to the heirs, &c. of F ranccs bamu, relinquished to William D. Gaines, Barham, - ----- 563 and William M. King, - · - 519 Land claims of Alexander Boyd, of Louisi- A land patent to be issued- to John F. Girod ana, confirmed, ---- 564 of louisiana, ----- 519 Asher Morgan and others authorized to enlcr William Wayne Wells to be paid For a certain land on Red river, Louisiana, - - 567 section of land, --·- 519 William Weedon authorized to enter a tract Land title eondrmed to John Buhler, - 520 of land in the military district in Arkan- Land title confirmed, and compensation for sas, . ------ 571 timber and sand to the heirs of Jeremiah Laird warrant to be issued to Elijah Lincoln Buckley, --·-- 520 for services in the revolution, in lieu of an- Grant of a section of land to Middleton Mc- other warrant, - - - · 571 Kay, in lieu of a. reservation granted by The claims of J. E. Tholozan and William the treaty of Dancing Rabbit Creek, 52]. Russell to lands in Arkansas to be ex- Land claim confirmed to Benjamin Bullitt, amined into, &c., ---- 571 523 The title of Arnold Henry Dohrman to land Land warrant to issue to the child of W. in Ohio confirmed, ---- 573 Blackwell, a captain in the revolution, 524 The title of Marguerite Baron to land in A military land warrant to issue to William Louisiana confirmed, and also to another Hoffman, a Canadian volunteer, - 525 tract, . - . - - - · 575 Money paid on account of land in Mississippi John Allen authorized to enter land at the to be refunded to Hartwell Vick, . 523 office in Vincennes at private sale, - 575 Jesse Bell authorised to locate land in Mis. Certificate of payment on account of land to sissippi, -.---- 523 be issued to J ercmiah Worsham, . 577 The widow and heirs of Pedro Guedry con- lVilliam Burris, of Mississippi, authorized to firmed in a certain land claim, - 526 relinquish a tract of land and enter an- The land claim of Francis Daigre confirmed,other, -.---- 579 526 G. Hod es and H. Masters authorized to The claim of Nathaniel Hillen to land at enter lands, ..--- 580 East Baton Rouge confirmed, - - 526 The representatives of James P. Huinesworth Title of land in Louisiana confirmed to may enter a tract of land in Alabama, in Charles Comb and wim, - - - 528 licu of another sold by the United States, Land claim of Eugene Borell confirmed, 528 581 The heirs, &.c. of J. Latham may redocate William K. Paulling authorized to enter a land, .. 538 tract of land, ...-. 584 Land serip to be issued to Jame Range, a Land claims of the heirs, &.c. of W. G. Chris. soldier of the revolution, - - - 546 tophcr confirmed, ..-- 586 Land scrip to be issued to Raphael Paine and The selection and survey of two tracts of Elias Arnold, ----- 549 land on the west side of St. Mu.ry’s river Jared E. Groce, of the state of Alabama, au.confirmed to Francis Latbntain and son, thorized to re-enter a certain land claim, and their assignees, . . - 601 550 Samuel Armstrong Bailey authorized to sur- Hugh Beard authorized to enter a land claim g render land warrant and scrip for the same in Indiana, ·-·-- 551 1 quantity to issue to him, - - 51|3 John Hurtcll authorized to enter •2 tract of ‘ Peter Mills authorized to locate land, 595 land in Alabama, ---- 554 Hisho Hema, alin.sCuptain Red Pepper, author- A section of land in Missouri granted to the 4 ized to locate 640 acres of land, subject to widow and heirs of Felix St. Vrain, 556 the restrictions in the treaty of Dancing George Staley may relinquish u. tract of Rabbit Creek, .·.- 536 land and enter another, - - - 556 The representatives of Thomas H. Bcyles Noah Staley may relinquish a tract of land authorized to locate a tract of land in lieu in Illinois and enter another, - - 557 of land prcviouslfy granted, . . 597 John Bills confirmed in his title to land in The heirs, &.c. of ames Latham, authorized Louisiana, ..-.. 557 ’ to withdraw a land warrant, and relocate Garrigues Flaujac, of Louisiana, authorized the same, . 598 to enter a tract of land, . . . 559 The land claim of George Gordon, assignee, The title of John L. Lobdell to a tract of land . doe. of Matthew Ramey, coniirrned, 598 on the west bank of the Mississippi con. I The representatives of Laurence Milligan allfirmed, --—--- 559 1 thorizcd to locate land, . . . 599