Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/115

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letters-patent in the name, and under the seal of the United States, thereby granting and conveying to the said Ephraim Kimberly, the three hundred acres of land that shall be so located and surveyed.

Approved, April 18, 1794.

Statute Ⅰ.

April 30, 1794

Chap. XXII.An Act allowing Lieutenant-Colonel Tousard an equivalent for his pension for life.

Allowance to Lt-Col. Tousard.Be it enacted, &c., That there be allowed to Lieutenant-Colonel Tousard three thousand six hundred dollars, in full discharge of his pension of three hundred and sixty dollars for life.

Approved, April 30, 1794.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 9, 1794

Chap. XXVI.An Act for the remission of the duties on eleven hogsheads of Coffee which have been destroyed by fire.

Whereas, eleven hogsheads of coffee were imported in the brig Jason from Cape François, by two French citizens, to the port of Norfolk and Portsmouth, in November last, and the duties thereon secured to be paid by Messieurs Elliott and Purviance of the same port: And whereas, the said eleven hogsheads of coffee were afterwards on account of the same importers shipped to the port of Baltimore, and there, in the night of the seventh day of January last, destroyed by fire:

Remission of certain duties to Messrs. Elliott & Purviance.Be it therefore enacted, &c., That the duties paid or payable to the United States, on the same eleven hogsheads of coffee, be and the same are hereby remitted; and it shall be the duty of the collector of the port of Norfolk and Portsmouth, to refund the same duties if they have been received.

Approved, May 9, 1794.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 19, 1794

Chap. XXIX.An Act providing for the payment of certain expenses incurred by Fulwar Skipwith, on public account.

Payment of certain expenses incurred by F. Skipwith.
To be ascertained by treasury departm’t.
Be it enacted, &c., That the President of the United States be authorized and requested to direct the payment, out of the fund provided for the intercourse with foreign nations, of all just and reasonable expenses incurred by Fulwar Skipwith, in relieving the wants, and facilitating the return of the seamen belonging to the vessels of the said states, lately taken or condemned in the British West-India islands, under orders from the king of Great Britain; the said expenses having first been ascertained by the accounting officers of the treasury department, who are hereby authorized to liquidate the same.

Approved, May 19, 1794.

Statute Ⅰ.

May 19, 1794

Chap. XXX.An Act for the relief of Reuben Smith and Nathan Strong.

Collector of New York to remit certain duties.Be it enacted, &c., That it shall and may be lawful for the collector for the district of New York, to remit to Reuben Smith and Nathan Strong, owners of the ship James of New York, or to any other person interested therein, the duties and imposts of tonnage, which may be incurred, in consequence of the incompetent or invalid register of the said ship:On what condition. Provided, they shall obtain, within one hundred and twenty days, a new register for the said ship, in the manner prescribed by law.

Approved, May 19, 1794.