Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/12

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xii LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. Grant of Lot in New Orleans. An act granting to the governor of the Sfits of Ifouisiunu, for hp the time bein , and his successors in office, u 101. of ground, and the buuldmgs thereon, in the city of {Wow Orleans. April 29, 18.12 . . . . . . 108 Accounts. An act for the relief of Charles Miniiic. May 1, 1812 ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Military Services. An act. for the relief of John Thompson. May 11, 1812 . · 1 08 Service:. An act {br the rcliéf of Thomas F. Raddick. May 14, 1812 . . . . . . . . 108 Accounts. An uct. for the relief of John N. Stout; May 20, 1812 . 109 Accounts. An act for the relief of Thomas and William Streshly. May 22, 1812 . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Military Services. An act for the relief of Ninian Piukney. May 28, 1812 . 109 Services. An act for the relief of William Garrurd. June 10, 1812 , .. . . . . 109 Services. An act for the rc1ie£` of Clement B. Penrose. June 20, 1812 . 109 Discharge from Imprisonment. An uc!. authorizing the discharge of William Peck from his imprisonment. J unc 24, 1812 ... . . , 109 Military Services. An act for the relief of Lieutenant-Colonel William D. Bcall. June 24, 1812 110 Military Services. ·.An act for the relief of James Wilkinson. J u1_y 1, 1812 110 Military Services. Aix act for the relief of Anna Young, heiress and representative of Colonel John Durkca, dccsnsed. July 1, 1812 ... 110 Pensions. An act {zunccrning Invalid Pensioncrs. July 5, 1812. . . 110 §}TATUTE 11.-1813. Private Land Claim. An nc!. for the relief of John Binuion.Jam. 27, 1813 ... . 116 Duties rejimdcd. An act for the relief of the Bible Society of Philadelphia. Feb. 2, 1813 116 Damageafur Maritime Capture. An act for the relief of Jared Shattuclz. Feb. 2, 1813 . » . 116 Services. An act for the relief of Reuben Attwatcr. Feb. 24, 1813 . . . . 117 Discharge from Lnprisonmzmt. An act for the relief of John Redfield, Junior. Feb. 24, 1813 . 117 Loca of Ccrtihcatca. An act for the relief of John Dixon and John Murray. F ab. 25, 1813. . . 117 Disc/zargcfram Ingprisnnmemt. An act for the relief of Royal Cunverce. Feb. 25, 1813 .. 118 Discharge from Impriaonment. An act authorizing the discharge of Daniel Updike from his imprisonment. March 3, 1813. . ._ .. . ... . . . . . 118 Military Services. An act for the relief of Washington Lee. March 3, |813. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Services. An act for the rcliefof Lewis Chuchcriu. March 3, 1813 . . _. . 118 Services. An act for the relief of Susannah Wiley. March 3, 1813 ... , . . . . . ... . . . . 119 Dicchage bnprigapment. An nct fur the relief of Nathaniel G. Ingraham, Alexander hmmx, and William Ncxson, Jumor. March 3, 1813 .. 119 Accounlc. An act for the relief of the representatives of Samuel Lupsley, deceased. March 3,18l3 .,... . ... 119 Qlrts of the Gtbirtzzmh Qluugrzzz of the linitzb Emma. STATUTE 1.-1813. Diachayge from imprisonment. An act for the relief of Alexander Phoenix und William Nexsen, Jun. Juno 19, 1813.. . . . ... ... 1 20 Private Lund Claims. An act for the relief of Thomas Sloo. July 5, 1813 . . . . . 120 Duties remitted. An act. for the remission ,0f certain duties tu the Pennsylvania Acaidemy of the Fine Arts. July 22, 1813 . . 121 Accounts. An act th: the relief of Edwin T. Satterwhitc. July 22, 1813 . .. 121