Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/126

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Pensioners and their rates.Jonathan Haynes, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Zimri Hill, a private, half a pension; William Hunt, a private, half a pension; Elijah Knight, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Ebenezer M’Ilvain, a private, half a pension; William Martin, a private, two-thirds of a pension; Pliny Pomeroy, a private, four-fifths of a pension; Moses Saunderson, a private, two-thirds of a pension; John Stark, a captain, one-fourth of a pension; Thomas Torrance, a private, half a pension; Benjamin Tower, a private, two-thirds of a pension; William Waterman, a private, one-third of a pension; John Wilson, a serjeant, one-third of a pension.

New York.Of the district of New York: Thomas Baldwin, a serjeant, half a pension; Abraham Blauvelt, a private, a full pension; Thomas Brooks, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Duncan Campbell, a lieutenant, half a pension; William Champenois, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Russell Chappell, a private, half a pension; Jeremiah Everett, a private, half a pension; Samuel Miller, a private, a full pension; Jared Palmer, a serjeant, half a pension; Stephen Powell, a private, one-sixteenth of a pension; John Rogers, a private, half a pension; William Smith Scudder, a private, half a pension; James Slater, a private, half a pension; John Utters, a private, three-fourths of a pension; John Vaughan, a serjeant, one-fourth of a pension; Asa Virgil, a private, one-fourth of a pension.

New Jersey.Of the district of New Jersey: William Crane, a lieutenant, a full pension; William Oliver, a lieutenant, two-thirds of a pension; Joel Phelps, a private, half a pension; Samuel Taylor, a corporal, two-thirds of a pension.

Pennsylvania.Of the district of Pennsylvania: John Cardiffe, a private, a full pension; Josiah Conckling, a private, half a pension; William Dewitt, a private, half a pension; Thomas Eagan, a matross, half a pension; Jacob Fox, a private, one-third of a pension; Alexander Garrett, a private, three-fourths of a pension; Samuel Gilman (alias Gilmore,) a private, half a pension; Adam Godenberger, a private, one-fourth of a pension; John Haley, a corporal, three-fourths of a pension; David Hickey, a private, a full pension; Lawrence Hipple, a private, half a pension; Nathaniel Hubble, a major, two-thirds of a pension; Philip Lauer, a serjeant, one-fourth of a pension; Charles M’Cormick, a private, a full pension; William M’Hatton, a lieutenant, a full pension; Michael Orner, a private, one-fourth of a pension; Griffith Rees, a private, half a pension; Thomas Richart, a private, a full pension; Edward Wade, a private, half a pension; Thaddeus Williams, a private, one-fourth of a pension; John Wright, a sergeant, half a pension.

Delaware.Of the district of Delaware: Donald M’Donald, a corporal, a full pension.

Maryland.Of the district of Maryland: John Bean, a private, half a pension; William Ormond, a private, three-fourths of a pension.

Virginia.Of the district of Virginia: John Bell, a lieutenant, three-fourths of a pension; David Welch, a private, a full pension.

Kentucky.Of the district of Kentucky: James Speed, a lieutenant, a full pension.

N. Carolina.Of the district of North Carolina: John Benton, a private, a full pension; George Bledsoe, a private, a full pension; Thomas Chiles, a captain, two-thirds of a pension; James Christian, a private, half a pension; Robert Harris, a private, a full pension; John Knowles, a private, two-thirds of a pension; James Smith, a private, a full pension.

These pensions, how to be estimated.Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the pensions allowed by this act, shall be estimated in manner following; that is to say: A full pension to a commissioned officer shall be considered the one-half of his monthly pay, as by law established: And the proportions less than a full pension shall be the like proportions of half pay: And a full pen-