Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/167

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the county in which he is imprisoned, so much of an oath imposed upon persons imprisoned for debt, by the second section of the act, entitled "An act for the relief of persons imprisoned for debt," as relates to his not having transferred his property with intent to defraud the United States: And provided, That he shall assign, and convey all the estate, real and personal, which he may own or be entitled to, to some person for the use and benefit of the United States, under the direction of the secretary of the treasury: Provided also, That any estate, real or personal, which the said Gilbert Drake may hereafter acquire, shall be liable to be taken and sold in the same manner as if he had never been imprisoned and discharged, as aforesaid.

Approved, March 3, 1807.

March 3, 1807

Chap. XLVIII.An Act concerning invalid pensioners.

Secretary of War to Place sundry persons on pensions list.
Act of April 10, 1806, ch. 26.
Be it enacted, &c., That the secretary at war be, and he is hereby directed to place the following named persons, whose claims have been transmitted to Congress, pursuant to a law passed the tenth of April, one thousand eight hundred and six, on the pension list of invalid pensioners of the United States, according to the rates, and to commence at the times herein mentioned, that is to say:

Persons named. Richard Fairbrother, at the rate of three dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-sixth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and six; John De Voe, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the first day of August, one thousand eight hundred and six; Peter Dearest, at the rate of three dollars and seventy-five cents per month, to commence on the first day of August, one thousand eight hundred and six; Stephen Ogden, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the twenty-fifth day of August, one thonsand eight hundred and six; John Berry, at the rate of fire dollars per month, to commence on the second day of September, one thousand eight hundred and six; John King, at the rate of four dollars per month, to commence on the eighteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and six; Robert Ames, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence on the eighteenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and six; Charles Gown, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the thirty-first day of October, one thousand eight hundred and six; Francis L. Slaughter, at the rate of three dollars per month, to commence on the fifteenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and six; William Re Beck, at the rate of four dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-second day of November, one thousand eight hundred and six; Spafford Ames, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence on the eleventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and six; Josiah Jones, at the rate of four dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-second day of December, one thousand eight hundred and six; Samuel Dowdney, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the twenty-seventh day of December, one thousand eight hundred and six; Eliphalet Easton, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence on the thirty-first day of December, one thousand eight hundred and six; Joseph Ligon, at the rate of three dollars per month, to commence on the eighth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seven; John Hubbard, at the rate of three dollars per month, to commence on the eighth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seven; Daniel Guard, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the twenty-third day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seven; Elisha Forbes, at the rate of three dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-fourth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and seven; Alexander Simonton, at the rate of three dollars per