Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/200

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hereby confirmed in his title to a tract of land, containing five hundred and eighty-four acres, granted by the British government of West Florida, to William Clark, so as not to deprive the heirs of said Clark, or any other person or persons, of their legal remedy, if any they have, for the recovery of said land from said Mims, his heirs or assigns.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That Joseph Wilson be, and he is hereby authorized to enter with the register of the land office his certificate of pre-emption right, granted to him by the board of commissioners, for the district east of Pearl river, in the Mississippi territory, for the quantity of four hundred and eighty acres of land, lying on the Tombigbee river in said territory; and that payment be made therefor, at the same price, and on the same terms and conditions, as are provided by law, for other lands granted in right of pre-emption in said territory.

Approved, March 3, 1811.

CRAP. XLII.-An Set concerning insalid pensioners.

Be it enacted, go., That the secretary of war be, and he is hereby directed to place the following named persons, whose names have been transmitted to Congress, pursuant to the act of the tenth of April, eighteen hundred and six, on the pension list of invalid pensioners of the United States, according to the rates, and to commence at the times hereinafter mentioned, that is to say:

James Trowbridge, at the rate of three dollars and thirty-three cents per month, to commence on the fifth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ten.

Samuel Mears, junr., at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the tenth day of December, one thousand eight hundred and ten.

Ebenezer Brown, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence on the third day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eleven.

Elisha Capron, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the first day of January, one thousand eight hundred and ten.

William Woodruff, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-fourth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and Levi Tuttle, at the rate of one dollar and twenty-five cents per month, to commence on the seventh day of January, one thousand eight hundred and eleven.

Nathaniel Austin, at the rate of three dollars and seventy-five cents per month, to commence on the tenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ten.

Isaac Vincent, at the rate of five dollars per month, to commence on the twenty-second day of March, one thousand eight hundred and ten.

John Griggs, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the seventh day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ten.

Patrick Hort, at the rate of three dollars per month, to commence on the thirtieth day of August, one thousand eight hundred and ten.

William Burke, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the tenth day of October, one thousand eight hundred and eight.

John Long, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month, to commence on the seventeenth day of April, one thousand eight hundred and ten.

Vincent Tapp, at the rate of two dollars and fifty cents per month