Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/25

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LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. xxv H9 Annuity. An act for the relief of the family of the late Oliver Hazard Perry, Esquire. March Q, 1821 . . . 260 Indemnity. An act fur the relief of General Robert Swartwout. March 3, 1821. . . . . . . . . 261 Claims. An act for passing to the credit of Nathaniel Allen certain moneys by him disbursed in the public service. March 3, 1821 . . . ... . . . . . 261 Patent for a machine for clearing Land. An act authorizing the Secretary of State to issue a. patentt0'I`homasOxlcy. March3,I82l . . 261 Claims. An act for the relief of John Webster. March 3, 1821 . . . .. . . 261 Military Services. An act concerning Thomas Shields and others. March 3, 1821. . . . . . . . . . . 261 Surveying Lands. An act for the relief of Robert Buntin. March 3, 1821 . . 262 Accounts. An act authorizing the settlement of the accounts of the late Le Roy Opie. March 3, 1821 .. . ...· 262 Patent furajinishing Leather extended. An act to extend the term of Samuel Parker'! patents, for his improvement in currying and finishing leather of all kinds. March 3, 1821 . 262 Sluts nf the Eicumtzzmh Qicmgrzzz of the Hnitzb States. STATUTE I.——1821, 1822. Duties refunded. An act for the relief of Samuel Clarkson and Alexander Elmslie. Jan. 11, 1822 .263 Accounts. An act for the reliefof Isaac Finch. Feb. 4, 1822 . 263 Bounty Lands. An act for the relief of Peggy Mellen. Feb. 4, 1822 ... . ... 263 Rewnuyance cj Land. An act to authorize the reccnveyance of a tract of land to the city of New York. March 30, 1822 ... . ... . . . .. 263 Duties refunded. An act for the relief of Jonathan N. Bailey. April 17, 1822 . . . . . . . . , . . . . . 264 Accounts, An act for the relief of Gad Worthington. April 17, 1822 ... . . . . . . . 264 Duties refunded. An act ('ur the relief of Solomon Porter, junior. April 17, 1822 . . . 264 Property destroyed. An act for the relief of John Anderson. April 17, 1822 . . . .. . . . . . . . 264 Duties refunded. An act. for the rclief of certain distillcrs within the Sixth Collection District 0i'Pennsylvanin. April 26, 1822 .. .. ...·.. . . 264 Pension. An act {br the relief of William E. Meek. April 26, 1822 . .. .. . . . . . . 265 Vessels used fur the Defence of Baltimore. An nct for the relief of suudrycitizens of Baltimore. April 26, 1822 ·. ... .. .. 265 Horses impressed. An act for the relief of Cornelius Huson. April 26, 1822 . . . . 265 Release rj Bonds for Duhkzs. An act. for the relief of B. H. Rand. April 26, 1822 . . . . . a . 265 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of James M'Farland. April 26, 1822 . . . 266 Property destroyed. An act for the relief of James May und the representatives of William Macomb. Mayl.,l822 .. . ... . .. ...266 Accounts. An act for the relief of John Thomas. May 1, 1822 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 Privileges of an American Vessel. An act. restoring to the ship Diana the privileges of a sealetter vessel. May 1, 1822 . . . . . . .. . . 267 Accounts. An act explanatory of an act entitled "An act authorizing the settlement of the sccnunm between the United States and Richard O‘Brien, late American consul at Algiers." May 6, 1822 ... .._. ... .. .. ,267 Private Land Claims. An act confirming the title to a tract of land to Alzira Dibrsl and Sophia. Hancock. May 6, 1822.. .. .. . .. . ..267 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of Richard Matson. May 7, 1822 .. . . . . . . . . . . . . 267 Accounts. An act. {br the relief of James Green. May 7, 1822. . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . . ... .. 268 4 C