Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/257

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FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess.1. C18, 11, 12, 13, 15. 1816. 157 for the district aforesaid, be placed to the credit of the said Joseph Anderson, and be considered as the fourth instalment of thepurchase money due for said quarter section; and that the said Joseph Anderson, his heirs or assigns, shall be entitled to a patent for the same. Arr-novrzn, January 22, 1816. —-—— Srnurs I. CHAP. VIII.-—.»2·n del for the relief eflolm G. (bmp. Feb. 1, 1816. Be it enacted, <§•c., That the proper accounting officers of the war department be, and they are hereby authorized, to audit and settle the Account to be accounts of John G. Camp, assistant deputy quarter-master general, in ¤°“l°d· such manner, and upon such terms, as may be equitable and just. Armtovn, February 1, 1816. Srnurn I. Curr-. XL-An Jai for liu: relief of lonathan I/Vhite. Feb, 6, mm Be it enacted, ry-c., That the secretary for the department of war be, and he is hereby authorized and required to renew military land war- Land warrant rant number eight hundred and seventy-tive, which heretofore issued to to be renewed. James Gunn, and to issue the same in the name of Jonathan White, to whom it was assigned by said Gunn. Approved, February 6, 1816. Srarurs I. CHAP. X11.-An .4ct for the relief of Charles Markin. F,y,_ 5, 13;5_ Be it enacted, <§·c., That Charles Markin shall be permitted to withdraw his entry made on the twenty-third day of February, one thou- Entry for land sand eight hundred and fifteen, at the land office at Chillicothe, from gm? be withthe north-west quarter of section number nineteen, township number ;;`;,I;,g*mnB_ two, of range number sixteen, and the money paid by him on the said li-zrred. entry shall be placed to his credit on any purchase he shall make or may have made of public lands in the same district. Approved, February 6, 1816. Srnura I. CHAP. XIII.-dn Acl_/`or the ref? nf Martin Cole, Jalan Pollack, George Wealner, Feb. 6, 1816. a Abraham Willy. ‘_"'—"" Be it enacted, &c., That Martin Cole, John Pollock, George Westner, and Abraham Welty be, and they are hereby authorized to with- Enmssforland draw their respective erroneous entries made in the district of Madison, may be with- ` Canton, Vincennes, and Zanesville, respectively, and the moneys paid d;°‘;; ’:“g_m by them on the said entries shall be placed to their credit, on any pur- £,,¥,,d_n B B- chase of public land they may have made, or shall make in the same districts. Armovnn, February 6, 1816. -——-— Srnura I. cnn-. xv.-.;.. alfa- at may of mmm Mmmeu. Feb- 15· 1816- Be it enacted, <§~c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they are hereby authorized to pay to William Mor- Ifcmlties rerissett, the sum of one hundred and five dollars, out of any money in ““°*°d‘ the treasury not otherwise appropriated, being the amount paid by him for penalties incurred, which were afterwards remitted by the Secretary of the Treasury. Approved, February 15, 1816. O