Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/287

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FOURTEEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 32, 46,47, 48. 1817. 187 Srarvtrx II. Can. XXXH.——An det for the relief of Robert Burnside. March 3, 1517, Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause to be paid to Robert Burnside the nett Amount paid amount paid by him for the use of the United States, in consequence of W llllll lll ¤¤¤· a forfeiture incurred by importing certain articles of British merchan- gggrgagfg °,{,°b, dise from Liverpool into New Orleans, in the year one thousand eight refunded: hundred and eleven, and that a sum not exceeding six thousand tive hundred dollars be appropriated for this purpose, to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, March 3, 1817. """""' Srnurs II. Cuxr. XLVI.—An Act for the rcliq’ tf Madame .Montriuel. Mm-C}, 3, 1317, Be it enacted, &·c., That the additional accountant of the war department be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed, to audit and settle (g;,,;,,,,,,;,, the claim of Madame Montrieul, on account of the injury done to her settled. plantation by the erection of public works of defence on the same, by order of Major-general Andrew Jackson; and to allow her in the settlement thereof the value of such injury, upon terms that may be equitable and just. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the amount thereof, when A,,,,,,,,,,.;,,,;,,,,, so ascertained, shall be paid to the said Madame Montrieul out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Ammovmn, March 3, 1817.

"‘ Sryrun II.

CHAP. XLVII.-An Act for the relief of Henry Lec. March 3, 1817. Bo it enacted, ¢$·c., That the collector of the port of New York be, and he is hereby, authorized, under the direction of the Secretary of the comin dutigg Treasury, toliquidate and adjust the duties on certain cotton goods im- l0 be ¤<lill¤¤¢d· ported by Henry Lee, into the said port of New York, in the month of July last, in the ship Portsea, a foreign bottom, fiom Calcutta, at the same rate as if the said goods had been imported in a vessel belonging to the United States, with the addition often per centum on the amount of said duties, any thing in an act, entitled "An act to regulate imposts Ac; of April and tonnage," passed April twenty-seventh, one thousand eight hundred 27. 1816, ¢h· and sixteen, to the contrary notwithstanding. 107* Approved, March 3, 1817. W Snrun II. Cnr. XLVHI.—An Act or the relic o [cam: Lawrence and others, merchants, refiding in th; egg of New York. 1L Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered, to pay to Isaac Lawrence, Gilbert gm,;,,, dem, Aspenwell, John Shaw, George Rozier and Roulet, John B. Desdorty tures tobe paid. by his executor, John S. Roulet, Isaac Roget, Joseph Bouchard, Robert Steuart, Joseph Winter, Robert Bowne, Peter Mackie, Peter Kemble for Governeur and Kemble, Abraham Ogden, Robert H. Bowne, William Hill, A. L. Steuart, Nathan M’Vicar, William Radclili, I. L. Steinback, Falconer and Stewart, I. P. Longchamp, Alexander M'Gregor, William Maxwell, James Thompson, John R. Murray, Martin Hoili man, Archibald M’Vicar, and Wait and Pierce, merchants, now, or lately, residents of the city of New York and of Salem, the amount of their several debentures, which were issued to the persons above mentioned, in their own rights, or held by them as legal representatives or assignees of the persons to whom such debentures were originally issued by Joshua Sands, when collector of the customs for the port of New York, and by Joseph Hiller, when collector of Salem and Beverly, for