Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/291

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FOURTEENTH CONGRESS. S1ass.II. Ch. 66, 68, 70, 71. 1817. 191 States, be increased to the sums herein respectively annexed to their I’¤¤¤i<>¤¢f¤· names; the said increase to commence at the times herein mentioned, and be in lieu of [ the]pensicns they at present receive, that is to say : Nicholas Welch, at the rate of twenty-tive dollars per month, to commence on the thirteenth day of June, one thousand eight hundred and Efteen. George Shannon, at the rate of twelve dollars per month, commencing on the eleventh of September, one thousand eight hundred and sixteen. Armzovmn, March 3, 1817. —`_°" Survra II. CHAP. LXVI.—-An det for the relief of Joseph Summers and John Allen. March 3, 1817. Be it enacted, dw., That Joseph Summers and John Allen be, and they are hereby, authorized to withdraw their respective erroneous Entries {0,-land entries made in the district of Vincennes; and the moneys paid by them may be Wilhon their said entries shall be placed to their credit on any purchase of public land they may have made or shall make. lleried. Approved, March 3, 1817. " Snrura 11. Crm?. LXVIH.—An dol for the reli4` of certain Creek Indians. Mai-eh 3, 1817. Be it enacted, dec., That the Secretary at War be, and he is hereby, authorized to cause the sum of eighty-five thousand dollars to be paid Compensation to the friendly Creek Indians, whose property was destroyed by the {0* P'??*Yhd°‘ hostile Creek Indians in the late war, in fair and just proportions to the 3Q°{f’,.e,k’;_ °°` losses which they have severally sustained from such Indians, which amount shall be paid out of any moneys in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Aprrzovrzn, March 3, 1817. Srnrvrs II. Can. LXX.-An Jctfor the relief { the legal representatives of llrancie Cazeau, Mm-ch 3, 18]-; late mere ani at Montreal. -——-—-·—· Be it enacted, &c., That the sum of forty-two thousand seven hundred and thirty-seven dollars and ninety-three cents be paid, out of any money $42_-73193,,., in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to the legal representatives belpaid them in of Francis Cazeau, late merchant at Montreal, or to his or their assignee ggkggau or attorney, or other person lawfully entitled to receive the same, in full ` compensation for all claims against the United States. Aernovmn, March 3, 1817. '_""` Snrurz II. Crrnp. LXXI.-·An Act authorizing the payment of a sum of money to Nathaniel Much 3, ml." Searcy and others. .t_..—. Be it enacted, &c., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and required to pay, out of any money in the trea- Donation of sury not otherwise appropriated, the sum of three hundred dollars liu $300. equal proportions to Nathaniel Seavey, Richworth Mason, and Daniel Tobey, of the State of Massachusetts, their agent, or legal representatives; which sum of three hundred dollars is paid to them as an evidence entertaiued by Congress of their valor and good conduct,`1n·having recaptured the schooner Pink, in the late war with Great _Brrta1n, and made prisoners of the prize crew of said schooner, consisting of three British seamen; which prisoners were delivered to the collector of Wiscasset, in the district of Maine; and also as compensation for the prisoners so taken. Approved, March 3, 1817.