Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/327

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FIFTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess.II. Ch. 44. 1819. 237 tors or officers, and to supply, by a new election, all vacancies that may happen among the directors or officers of the company; and a majority of the said directors may provisionally supply, by their own election, any vacancies that may happen among the number of directors, or among the number of the officers of the company; and the person so elected, by the said directors, may continue in office till the next legal meeting of the company. Sec. 6. And be itfm·the1~ enacted, That the amount of each share The ummm.); shall be paid by instalments of ten dollars, at such time as the said ****9** $@*8*0 be company shall direct; and in case any instalment or instalments shall ’,§‘;‘f,,QYgQj‘“" not be paid at the time appointed by the said company, or within ten 1 ' days thereafter, the same may be recovered in the name of the said company, by warrant from a justice of the peace, if the amount due shall not exceed twenty dollars, and if the sum so due shall exceed twenty dollars, the same may be recovered by motion in the name of the said company, on ten days' notice, in any court of record in the county or district where the debtor should be found; and in all such warrants and motions, the certiticate of the clerk of the said company, authenticated by the president, under the common seal of the said company, shall be conclusive evidence of the defendant’s being a member of the company, and prima facie evidence of the amount due on the shares held by such defendant; and if such instalment be not paid within Instalmvnls sixty days after the time limited for the payment of the same, and ad- gyda';? ‘;;l;}“ vertisement for tour weeks, successively, in one or more newspapers b€gg,,;8{,.,d_ published in the District of Columbia, the president and directors of the said company may proceed to forfeit, for the use of the company, the share or shares of the person or persons so failing to pay. Sec. 7. And be itfw·Lher enacted, That the said company bc, and The Q0¥¤D8¤Y they are hereby, authorized and empowered to erect and build, or cause gtjjggzsgdge to be erected and built, over the Eastern branch, between Eleventh and ` Twelfth streets East, in the City of Washingtoii, and the land of William Marbury, on the opposite shore of the said Eastern Branch, a good and sufhcient bridge, at least twenty-five feet wide, of sound and suitable materials, and in all respects adequate for the passage of travellers, horses, cattle, and carriages, with a secure railing on each side, at least four feet high. Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That the said company shall cause A (mw in the to be built, and kept and maintained in good repair, a convenient and bridge sufficient draw, or passage way, at least thirty feet wide, in the said bridge, over the main channel of the Branch, for the passing and repassing of vessels, by day and by night. And the said company shall, at their own cost, and without toll, cause the said draw or passage way to he hoisted, or removed, without delay, for the passage of all vessels with masts, that are unable to pass under the same; and if, through the Company liaunskilfulness or negligence of the person or persons employed by the R};;";; gjfjitggge Said company, to hoist or remove the said draw, any vessel shall be un- ,,0,, of vessels justly or unreasonably hindered or delayed, or shall be damaged in her anne draw. hull, spars, or rigging, in passing the said draw, the said company shall be liable to the master, or the owner or owners, of such vessel, for damages, at the rate of six cents per ton of such vessel, for each and every hour such vessel shall be hindered or delayed, and for' all damages in her hull, masts, and rigging, as aforesaid, to be ascertained and recovered, in a special action on the case, in any court of competent jurisdiction. Sec. 9. And be itfurfher enacted, That as soon as the Sald bridge The company Shall be erected and built, and completed as required by this act, the Svsggifyéc said company shall be entitled to demand and receive, by their proper budge,, Wm_ agents, servants, or officers, tolls at the following rates, viz :_ For each plated. f H foot passenger, three cents; for each person and a horse, six and one RMBSO *° ·