Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/34

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xxxiv LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. P¤s¤ Release from Duties. An act for the relief of Paul Chase, March 3, 1825 ... . .. 336 ' Ad to f th t titled “An act to incorporate the Provident·Asso. Imwpozglig of ClggsahlnellieaciililOdepsrtlmeiiltk of the government of the United States, in the District of Columbia." March 3, 1825 . . . . .. . . . .. 337 Sltcts of the Nineteenth Qlfougcesz of the Maxima States. STATUTE 1.-1825, 1826. R nt M 'll ll Icoll clad 0 the United States. An act for the relief of the heirs epazmaicnd Mal :"€;;)¥JBO:1{:l.1z68 of Leiaé Dhretien, deceased. March 3, 1826 . . . . . . . . 338 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of Richard Matson. March 31, 1826 338 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of Elijah Buckley. March 31, 1826. . . .. 339 Land granted to the Kentucky Asylum for the Deaf and Dumb. An aut for the benefit of the incorporated Kentucky Asylum for teaching the deaf and dumb. April 5, 1826 . . . . 339 Release from llBlitia Dutyr An act to exempt the professors, tutors, stewards, and students of the diH`ercnt scminarics of learning in the District of Columbia, from militia. duty. May 4, 1826 . . ... . . . . .. . ... 339 Pension. An not for the relief of Clark MePherrin. May 13, 1826 339 Release of a Surely tflgr a Collector of Taxes. An act for the relief of Elizabeth Lewis, executrix ol`Thomas wis,deeoa.sed. May 13, 1826... . . . . 339 Duties remitted. An act remitting the duties upon certain articles imported for the use of the University of Virginia. May 13, 1826 .,. 340 Private Land Claims. An net. for the relief of Moses Kenney. May 15, 1826 . . . . . . . . . . 340 Claims. An act to extend and continue in force “An act for the relief of the representatives of John Donnelson, Stephen Herd, and others." May 15, 1826. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... 340 Private Land Claims. _An act for the relief of Charles Anderson. May 16, 1826 340 Claims. An set for the relief of Davis Floyd. May 16, 1826. .. .. 341 Pensions. An act for the relief of James Gibson, of Vincennes, Indiana, and James Kay, of Kentucky. May 16, 1826... ... . ... 341 Privatclggénl Claims. An act For the relief of William Hambly and Edmund Doyle. May 16, .. . .. 341 Indmimity. An act for the relief of Isaac Hodsdon. May 16, 1826 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 Claims. An act for the relief of Michael Copp. May 16, 1826 ... . 342 Private Land Claims. An act rclinquishing the right of the United States in a certain tract of land to Samuel Brashiers. May 16, 1826 . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . 342 Penuiovl. An act for the relief of Penelope Denny. May 16, 1826. . . .. 342 Private Land Claims. An act rcli;/yuisliing the right of the United States in a certain tract of land to William Hollinger. ny 16, 1826 342 Private Land Claim. An act for the relief ofWilliam M. Dever. May 16, 1826 . . . . . 343 Acommla. An act for the relief of Joseph Shomc, late a captain in the United States' army. May 16, 1826 .. . . . . . .. . . . 343 Private Land Claim. An aet for tho relief of James Wolcott, and Mary his wife, of the State 0l`Ol1i0. May 18, 1826.. . . ... . 343 Claims. An act for the relief of James Cook. May 18, 1826 . 344 Private Land Claims. An act for the relief of Arthur Jones. May 18, 1826 344 Claims. An act for tho relief of Henry Hitchcock. May 18, 1826 .. . . . . .. . . . . 344 Accounts. An act to provide for the settlement of the accounts ofC¤lonol J amos R. Mullany, late quutormastergencral in the army of the United States. May 18, 1826 ... 345 Claim for transporting the Mail. An act for the relief of John Donly. Mu y 20, 1826 345