Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/345

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SIXTEENTH CONGRESS. Sr:ss.I. Ch. 69, 70, 71,72, 73. 1820. 245 fisheries," passed on the twenty-ninth of July, one thousand eight hundred and thirteen. Approved, May 7, 1820. -1- Sn·r¤•rx I. CHAP. LX1X.——-An dol for the relief of Joseph Bruce. May 8, 1g2O_ Be it enacted, &c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed to pay To be aid {0,. to Joseph Bruce, the sum of sixty-five dollars, m full for his claim ahorse lhstin against the United States, on account of a horse lost in the public ser- 'h° P“bu° vice during the late war; and that the same be paid out of any money 8am0e' in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Armtovan, May 8, 1820. ..-...-.. Surura I. CHAP. LXX.—.r2n ./fel for the relief of Daniel Converse and George Miller. Mw 8- 1820- Be it enacted, <§~c., That the Secretary of the Treasury cause to be paid to Daniel Converse one hundred and forty dollars, the value of T0 be PBM Y0!' two horses taken from him for the use of the United States; and to f‘§;"S;;§8‘;;°r George Miller thirty-five dollars, for one horse taken from him at the P ` same time, for the use aforesaid; and that the said sums be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Aprnoven, May 8, 1820. —-—-——· Survrs 1. Cunt-. LXXI.—·An Act for the relief of the widow of John Heaps, deceased. May 8, 1820. Be it enacted, &~e., That the Postmaster General be, and he hereby is, authorized and directed to pay to the widow of John Heaps, late of $590*0 be Paid the city of Baltimore, who, while employed as a carrier of the mail of :§;:;1°€S;§H“' the United States, and having the said mail in his custody, was beset by ments_ ruflians, and murdered; out of the money belongin to the United States arising from the postage ofletters and packets, hve hundred dollars, in ten equal semi-annual payments; the first payment to be made on the first day of June next. Approved, May 8, 1820. -—-—-- Srnurz I. CHAP. LXX[I.—An Act for the relief of Thomas C. Withers. May 8, 1820. Be it enacted, dw., That there be paid to Thomas C. Withers the sum of three hundred and seventy dollars; the same being due for four horses, To be paidfor a wagon, and gear, impressed into the service of the United States hg;;;;, "· ml" during the late war; and that the aforesaid sum be paid out of any P ` money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated: Provided, however, Proviso. That there shall be deducted from the aforesaid sum, whatever amount the claimant may have received for the use of his wagon, team, and gear, as aforesaid. APPROVED, May 8, 1820. STATUTEI CHAP. LXXIII.-—·An Act for the relief of John H. Platt. May 8, 1820. Be it enacted, &e., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury 1824, ch. 144. department be, and they are hereby, authorized and required to settle Accounts mba the accounts of John H. Piatt, including his accounts for transporta— ““l°d· tion, on just and equitable principles, giving all due weight and consideration to the settlements and allowances already made, and to the assurances and decisions of the war departmenf: Provided, That the Pmvim sum allowed under the said assurances, shall not exceed the amount now claimed by the United States, and for which suits have been commenced against the said John H. Piatt. Approved, May 8, 1820. 2 v