Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/348

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all right, title, and interest, hereby granted to the same, shall revert to, and vest in, the United States, as completely as if such grant had never been made.

Approved, May 8, 1820.

An Act for the relief of John D. Carter.

Be it enacted, &c., That there be paid to John D. Carter, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated by law, the sum of five thousand nine hundred and eighty-seven dollars and ninety cents, being that part of the proceeds of certain goods and merchandise, be- longing to the said John D. Cartér, captured on board the ship Mandarin, and brought into the port of Philadelphia, and there condemned, as prize of war, which were paid into the treasury of the United States, as the United States portion of said prize.

Approved, May 8, 1820.

An Act for the relief of the heirs of Abijah Hunt and William Gordon Forman.

Be it enacted, &c., That the heirs of Abijah Hunt and William Gor- don Forman be, and they are hereby, confirmed in their claim to fifteen hundred arpens of land, situated on the Mississippi river, near the mouth of Cole's creek, in the state of Mississippi, being the same land which was conveyed to Abijah Hunt and William Gordon Forman, on the thirty-first day of May, one thousand eight hundred and two, by Charles Norwood, executor of the last will and testament of John Turnbull: Provided, Nothing in this act shall be so construed as to affect the claim of any other person or persons to the said land, or any part thereof, derived either from the United States or from any other source whatsoever.

Approved, May 8, 1820.

An Act for the relief of General James Wilkinson.

Be it enacted, &c., That the proper accounting officers of the treasury department settle and discharge the amount of a judgment, with interest, if any shall have accrued, and cost, which General John Adair, lately, in the superior court of Mississippi, recovered of General James Wilkinson, for false imprisonment, to the person who may have paid off said judgment; or, if undischarged, to the person entitled thereto.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That a sum, not exceeding three thousand dollars, be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, out of any money in the treasury, not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of said expenses and damages.

Approved, May 11, 1820.

'An Act for the relief of Martha Flood

Be it enacted, &c., That there shall be paid, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, to Martha Flood, administratrix of William Flood, late of Buckingham county, in the state of Virginia, the sum of one hundred and twenty-two dollars and four cents, being the amount paid by the said William Flood for the duty charged on a boiler used for the boiling of water only, which boiler was not legally subject to duty.

Approved, May 11, 1820.