Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/366

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266 SEVENTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 39, 42, 43. 1822. Srxrura I. Amp 26, 1822. Gun?. XXXl.X.·—An dot for the relief of James M ’Farl¢md, I- Be it enacted dw. That the receiver of public moneys of the land The receiver office at Shawndetown, in the state of Illinois, be, and he is hereby,

fg‘:;f,"d‘;m°° directed to place to the credit of James M’Farland, or the legal proprie.

,0,,,,,, to to for of fractional sections numbered twenty-six and twenty-seven, in townrh di {J. hi b d thel e south, ran e eight east of the third ·r` ·c` al M?*$;:**L'l*l)‘lg’2 irieiiidritilrilj piiitchaswdd vat the public gales gby the said James M’Il?`zii1zirIid,

,::8:;,.: §,:°480 on account of the money heretofore paid by him on said fractional seeaeres. on ac- tions, the excess over and above the rate of two dollars per acre, upon
‘;;§Y four hundred and eighty acres thereof, and to remit any interest due, or

,0 ,1,,,,,, the tn_ that may become due, on said excess; and the said James M Farland, terest. _ or the legal proprietor as aforesaid, shall be allowed until the thirtieth 3$g‘g';°? day of September next to avail themselves of the provisions of the act, to ,,,,,,,lli,{m,,,,l{ entitled "An act for the relief of the purchasers of the public lands ogalge provisions prior to the first day of July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty," Rdérshicézif approved March second, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-one: i2_' Provided, That if the said James M’Farland, or the legal proprietor of Proviso. the aforesaid fractional sections, accept a credit, that the excess aforesaid shall be placed to his or their credit on the instalments which shall become due at the time they would have been due had his or their acceptance been filed before the thirtieth day of September last, but shall not entitle him or them to a discount for payment on or before the thir- Proviso. tieth of September next: Provided, however That the said James M’Farland shall not be entitled to the remission aforesaid, upon a greater quantity than one hundred and sixty acres, unless he shall make it appear, to the satisfaction of the receiver aforesaid, that Hampton Pankey and William Frizzle or their legal representatives for whose benefit jointly with the said James M’Farland, the aforesaid land was pur; chased, have received a release from the said James M’Farland, for such proportion of the purchase money as will be equal to the amount hereproviso, by remitted upon their proportion of the said land: Provided, also, That the benefits of this act shall be extended only to such of the aforesaid persons as shall show to the register and receiver aforesaid, that he would have been entitled to the right of pre-emption had he been set- Actor Fer, 5_ tied ou a quarter section instead of a fractional section, according to 1813. cb. 20- the` provision of the act of eighteen hundred and thirteen. rrrtovnn, April 26, 1822. Scumurs I. May 1, 1g2z_ Crur. XLIl.·-.41: dot for the relief of James May and the representatives of ·-~——~—·—-————· William Macmnb. Be it enacted <§·c. That the Secretary of the Treasury be autho- _]?nyment for rized to pay, out df any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated,

¥,?*!*‘*¤¤ d¤¤•: W the sum of eight hundred dollars to James May, of Detroit, or his legal

by°B_°§?l:::0£B_ representatives; and the sum of two thousand nine hundred dollars to the legal representatives of the late William Macomb, of Detroit, deceased; being in full compensation for injuries done to the property pertaining to the farm of the said James May, and the farm late of the gud Vgilham Macomb, in the vicinity of Detroit, by the troops of the nite States, in the late war. Approved, May 1, 1822. - Snrurs I. ""‘** May 1. 1822. Cru?. XLIII. —-An Acl for the relief of Jolm Thomas. Acccumm be Be it enacted, dw., That the proper accounting officers of the treasetsled. sury department settle and adjust the accounts of John Thomas, (late