Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/396

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296 EIGHTEEN TH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 54, 55, 56. 1824. Payment tp of Charleston, South Carolina, the sum of six hundred twenty-nine dol. P9¤¤Y ¤¤d lars sixteen cents, being the amount of duties paid on twelve pipes of X:}c°f ’°m° brandy, received by them from St. Augustine, m January, one thousand ' eight hundred and twenty-two; to be paid out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Armovan, May 5, 1824. Szumums I. —-—·· Ma? 5» 182* Cnap. LIV. -.ln ./[ct for the reliq` of Noah Smit/i, of Maim. Be it enacted, dce., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, T<> b¤ Plwd directed to place Noah Smith, an insane person, one of the revolutionary §:,m° P°°sl°u soldiers, on the pension list of the United States, at the rate of eight ` dollars per month, to commence on the fourth day of March, in the year one thousand eight hundred and twenty-three, which shall he paid as other pensions, by the agent for that purpose, in the state of Maine: Proviao. Provided, That the said pension shall be paid to the wife of the said Noah Smith during his life, and that the said agent shall require evidence, at each payment, that the said Noah Smith is alive, and that the person applying for the pension is duly authorized by the wife of said Noah Smith to receive it, under such forms and regulations as the Secretary of War may direct; and should the wife of the said Noah Smith die previous to the death of the said Noah Smith, upon proof of that fact, to the satisfaction of the Secretary of War, he is hereby directed to authorize the payment of the said pension to be continued and paid to the legal representative of the said Noah Smith, and for his use, under such regulations as he may think proper. Armtovan, May 5, 1824. Srnun I. May 5. 1824. Crm?. LV.-dn dol for Zhc bene/it of Alfred Moore and Sterling Orgain, auignees "";""_ of Morris Linscy. Be it enacted, dw., That the proper accounting officers of the treat};*;:¥;¤;¤;;_\¤ sui-y department be directed to adjust and settle the account of Alfred eign6B,,,,, Moore and Sterling Orgain, assignees of Morris Linsey, and allow to blacksmith them the sum of one hundred and twenty dollars; being the amount of ’é";*'lSd*·i'*¤8*h° the account of Morris Linsey, for work and labor done by him as a ` mm° ° W"' blacksmith in furnishing horse·shoes for the mounted volunteers of Tennessee, employed in the Seminole war; and which account was assigned to said Moore and Orgain for valuable consideration. Avraovnn, May 5, 1824. Smrura I. May 5, |394_ Crm}-. LVI.-An Act for the relig" the legal representatives of Firmzm Le ‘*"‘·"*···—· ieur. Be it enacted, @-4:., That the legal representatives of Firman Le Sieur, 'I‘o_em¤i· one late of the state of Missouri, bc, and they are hereby, authorized to enter fscgfn &*;lg*¤d one section of land, in any of the land offices in the state of Missouri, (,,5,,,,};,, Mig the sale of which is authorized by law, in full satisfaction for a like souri. quantity, patented to them by the United States, on the third day of P;-¤vi80_ July, one thousand eight hundred and twenty: Provided, said representatives of Firman Le Sicur shall first release to the United States all claim by virtue of the said patent, and surrender the same to the Commissioner of the General Land Office ; and shall confine such entry to lands which have been heretofore offered for public sale, and conformably to the lines of the public surveys. Approved, May 5, 1824.