Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/4

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iv LIST OF THE PRIVATE ACTS OF CONGRESS. P•s¤ Lands anldl C. Symmeo. An act for ascertaining the bounds of a tract of lend purchased by John Cleves Symmes. April 12, 1792 ... 7 Damqg q P operty. An t t s to the corporation of trustees of the publie grammar schziol rind ucadem bg Vlglfnoiilgielnr in the state of Delaware, for the occupauon oi] and damages done m,_Lllie said school, during the late war. April 13, 1792. . . . . . . . 8 Private Land Claims. An act authorizing the grant and cnnveyance of certain lands to the Ohio Company of Associates. April 21, 1792 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . ... . . . 8 I dt' . An ct to indemnify theEstu.1Js of the Inte Major Qcneral Nathaniel Green, for n "Mei/i;i·ti:i,i1 bond Zuiered into by him during the lute war. April 27, 1792 . . . . . . 9 Military Services. An act to compensate the services of the lute Colonel George Gibson. May 10 8, 1792 ... . .. . ... Olaim. An act concerning the claim of John Brown Cutting against the United States. May 2 . . .. .. .. . . ... . ...` . . 10 8, 179 STATUTE 11.-1793. Allowance of Interest. An act to provide for the allowance of interest on the sumbrdered to be paid by the resolve of Congress, of the twenty-eighth of September, one thousand seven hundred and eightyfive, as an indemnity to the persons therein named. Jan. 14, 1793. . 11 Militar »S'ervicec. An act to authorize tho comptroller of the tre-usury to settle the account of ihomaa Wishart, lute u. lieutenant in the army of the United States. Feb. 22, 1793. . . . 11 Military Services. An act to authorize the adjustment of a claim of Joseph Henderson against the United States. Feb. 22, 1793 .. . . 11 Military Services. An not making provision for the persons therein mentioned. Feb. 27, 1793 12 Military Services. An act providing an annual allowance for the education of Hugh Mercer. March 2, 1793 . · . . . . . . . .. . . 12 Indemnity for Contracts. An not for the relief of Elijah Bostwick. March 2, 1793. . . . . . . . . . 12 Penaiona. An act for the relief of Simeon Thayer. March 2, 1793 .. . 12 Elm of the Qtbiscb Qlfongrzzz of the iiinitcb Eitatez. STATUTE 1.--1794. Relief to Sl. Domingo niferers. An act providing for the relief of such of the inhabitants of St. Domingo, resident within the United tates, as may he found in want of support. Feb. 12, 1794... ... . ... . .. 13 Remission of Duties. An act for the relief of Thomas Jenkins and Sons. Feb. 19, 1794 . . . . . 13 Military Services. An act allowing to Major General Ln. Fayette his pay and emoluments while m tho service of the United States. March 27, 1794 . .. 14 Bond! to be taken. An act for the relief of Stephen Pumnque. April 2, 1794 . . . ... . . . . . 14 Duties remitted. An act for the relief of Lefert Leiterts and others. April 18, 1794 14 Lando for Military Services. An act tu authorize Ephraim Kimberly to locate the land warrant issued to him for services in the late American erm y. April 18, 1794 ... . 14 Commnzatian ey" Pension. An act allowing Lieutenant-Colonel Tousard an equivalent for his pension for life. April 30, 1794 ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cqfcc destroyed by Fire. An act For the remission of the duties on eleven hcgshcads of Coffee which have been destroyed by fire. May 9, 1794 . . 15 Foreign Intercourse. An act providing for the payment of certain expenses incurred by Fulwar Skipwith, on public account. May 19, 1794 .. 15 Duties remitted. An act for the relief of Reubon Smith and Nathan Stron , May 19, 1794. . 15 E Public Services. An act to compensate Arthur St. Clair. Moy 31, 1794 ... 16 Mili1afy·$'ei·¤iee:. An not to authorize the settlement of the account of Lewis Dubois for his services in the lute army of the United States. June 4, 1794 .. . ... . . 16