Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 6.djvu/406

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306 EIGHTEENTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 103,104, 105,106. 1824. Sruruus I. Mw l9» 1824- CHAP. CII]. —.ln Act for the relief of me legal representatives of Charles Brad ·—*·_; or Be it enacted, qc., That the Secretary of War be authorized, and he The Secretary is hereby directed, to pay to the legal representatives of Charles Brad- 9*- XV" ““’h,:”‘ ford, late an invalid pensioner of the United States, the pension allowed

,,,,i:,,p,;{,,:,:d him from the fourth of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-

ttlhsrles Brad- one, the time he was last paid, up to the airs; Sgptember, one thousand °' · eight hundred and twenty-two the time e ie . Approved, May 19, 1824. , Sawrura I. ————-— May 19, 1824. Cmp. CIV. —-—-.d·n Act for the relief of James, Jehu, and Nathaniel Brooks, and "*"—"i"` the representatives af either af them. Be it enacted, dm., That the Secretary of War be, and he is hereby, To allowto authorized to allow unto James, Jehu, and Nathaniel Brooks, and to “,:°“‘ "ch ml" the legal representatives of either of them, such further sum, under a Lhiirsgcriijaiiihu, contract, of the date of November first, one thousand eight hundred and ullowedfto h eight, between the United States, by Tench Cox, their agent, on the

;r; E,. one part, with the said James, Jehu, and Nathaniel Brooks, on the

,,,.m,,_ other part, for the manufacture of four thousand stand of arms, as shall increase the price of each stand of arms delivered underithe said contract, to a sum equal to that allowed to others who entered into contracts to manufacture and deliver arms to the United States, on or about the same time, keeping in view the quality of the arms delivered by each, with the additional labor bestowed more than would have been necesp,-°·,g,,0_ sary to have made the muskets equal to the pattern: Provided, That the proof for such allowance be exhibited to the Secretary of Wur, within six months. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That the sum so allowed shall be applied, by the proper accounting officers, towards the sum of four thousand dollars, advanced on said contract; and interest on the balance of said sum so advanced, shall be computed from the time the s d t'l‘t rtf h'hth`d etc ed ¤¤¤g;··»¤, .§'§iT.§Z’ITr."L’§r.i r`£5`OLr§,ZrE’.fll $f.’.Z4r..°I..`ir`€n. .‘Z£i.$’}..Z1;.Z..§§.¥f’€.x. °f2.:3ri,,T2,.,,_ cept that further proceedings thereon shall be stayed for six months; main. and when said balance and interest shall be paid, the same shall be in full discharge of said judvment. Approved, May 19, IS24. Snruru I. —~———— May 19, 1824. CHAP. CV.——An det for the relief of Robert Brotherton. Be it eruzeted, ¢§·c., That Robert Brotherton, of the county of Erie, To be ,,,,,,8,,, in the state of Pennsylvania, be, and he is hereby, released from the from me pny- payment of a judgment obtained against him in the District Court of mem of ¤J¤dR— the United States for the Western District of Pennsylvania, held at m°m‘ Pittsburg, as one of the sureties of John Crabb, formerly collector of the direct tax and internal duties of the United States, in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-eight, at Pittsburg aforesaid; and · from all claims and demands. arising, or that maylarise, to the United Provnso- States, on account of his being surety as aforesaid: Provided, That nothing herein shall release or discharge the said John Crabb from his liability to the United States. Ammovno, May 19, 1824. Snrurr: I. ———— May 19, 1824. CHAP. CVI.-adn Act for the relief of Daniel Cizrroll, of Duddington, and others. Be it enacted, cfc., That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay to Daniel Carroll, of Dud-